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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Very pissed with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital’s Department of Child Development (KKH DCD)

DL!!! Very DL with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital’s Department of Child Development (KKH DCD) today. 2 incidents happened today that made me very pissed with how "professional" KKH is.

Incident 1
As Mini Ong has ADHD symptom, he has to go though 6 weeks of Occupational Therapy (OT) followed by a Speech Review in between. Mini Ong started talking late and had problem communicating with others that's why in 2011, we sent him for Speech review, and psychology reviewed which ultimately led to OT. Based on the test conducted to Mini Ong, his English level is consider slightly below average in term of grammar and vocabulary. Hence the Psychologist actually advised us to send him for OT first and train him at home. In between OT we will have to go back for Speech review. The Speech Therapist will then review Mini Ong and decide what is the best thing for him. 

It was all discussed and agreed. As I am not a housewife (temporary not working only), I had to have the schedule planned ahead so that I could prepare my parents who are also the caregivers while I was working, to stand by for Mini Ong's OT once I started working. This was made known to KKH DCD too. Then KKH DCD called me last week regarding the schedule. The nurse told me that the OT Therapist is going on leave on the day that was scheduled for OT hence need to change. (NOTE: to change is not just a date. I have to change 6 dates and times! It's a ripple effect loh). "Fine I said. OT Therapist need a break too." So we changed. After the changes, I had to inform Mini Ong's school and my parents.

Then came this Monday, KKH DCD called again. The nurse told me the OT Therapist is going to conduct hand writing lesson and the date clash with my OT date. Bo bian, we got to change. I had to make sure the dates do not clash with my son's extra lesson in school and not affecting my parents' schedule. It took a while before we finalized the dates. Again I had to inform the school and my parents immediately. 

If you think "The End. Happily ever after", WRONG! KKH DCD called again this morning 9AM requesting to change date!!!!! AGAIN!!!! This time round the reason was Mini Ong has to go for 2 consecutive OTs before his speech could be reviewed. WTF?!!!!! Why weren't this being told to me before we START scheduling the OT in December 2011??? Also Mini Ong has been going for OT since Jan and this afternoon would be his 4th OT. 4th times le ok!! On top of that, before his next speech review in May, Mini Ong has another OT at end April! Which make it 5! Isn't that enough for the speech review?? I was and still am bua song. I justified to the nurse. She was stunned. She was like "but but need consecutive 2 OTs before the speech review...." Consecutive 2 OTs your head! I was furious. I really told her off. I said if this is the so-called policy, why it wasn't made known to me BEFORE we start scheduling the OT back in December 2011 when we went for the psychology review?? What made me almost scream at her was, she suggested add another speech review in May together with the date of OT. Hello hello!!! Free is it? If free ok I take. NOT FREE ok! Another session mean additional pay. Also Mini Ong haven't even gone for his first speech review. What made the nurse so sure and double confirm that Mini Ong needs ANOTHER speech review?? That's it! I really told her off. I said Mini Ong haven't even gone for his first speech review. What is the rationale for a 2nd review? Guess what was the reply? She said, "oh there is a need of 2 OTs before the speech review and I see that May he will be coming for OT weekly so would like to squeeze the speech review on one of the date together with the OT."

"Ju ba!!!!" (Volcano erruption!!!) I couldn't believe what I just heard. This was the most stupid reason I ever received. What next was %$##@!!!...........

Bo bian, she said she will check with the Therapist. What a morning! Really spoilt my mood. Again if you think that's it. It isn't over! Here comes the interesting part.

Incident 2
Last week, as proposed by KKH DCD, I went for Signposts introduction at KKH. According to the nurse, Signposts is a program that trains the caregiver to manage the behavior of special needs kid. Since Mini Ong is hyper active, I thought it would be good to find out more about the program. To my dismay, it wasn't relevant to me at all! Yes Signposts helps parents and carers to design a personalized program that suits the unique needs of the child and develop strategies to prevent and manage difficult behaviour. However it is more for children with developmental delay, intellectual disability, and Autism! It is not cheap too. Parents who signed up for the program needs to pay SGD 350 and commit 5 consecutive weeks per day for the 1.5 - 2hrs training follow by homework. If you divide, the course is SGD 70 per session. Those working parents would have to take leave because the course only runs on weekdays before 6pm.

 Hello!! My son is a super smart hyper active kid. How do Signposts tackle that?? I raised my question to the trainer. She just said the program is suitable to ALL kids be it special needs or normal. My question is HOW beneficial is the program? You want me to sign up for the program, you have to tell me HOW good. How does it helps the children. Not just say "it's good for everyone."

I was super turn off. Waste my time travel to KKH for just less than 1 hr introduction. I realized the parents who attended the introduction are housewives whose children are either Autism or low intelligent. None of them have children similar to mine. Of course I didn't sign up the course.

Then came this morning. Nurse from KKH DCD called questioning me why I didn't turn up for the Signposts briefing. I was duh....I went and signed on the attendant sheet! Just that I didn't sign up for the course. I gave her my feedback too. 

~The End~

....NO loh! Nurse from KKH DCD called me in the afternoon, used her most fierce tone, questioned me WHY I didn't turn up for the Signposts introduction. I was like duh..WTF. I told her I DID go for the introduction and QUESTIONED her how many times must KKH called me regarding the SAME matter?? She then said she will check and hung up. I thought finally end but NO again. They called Mr Ong questioned him WHY we didn't turn up. (Note: Mr Ong was aware of my episode) AHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is so crazy! Mr Ong told them scornfully, "My wife went and we didn't sign up for the course cos it sux!"

Come on la! Don't ask stupid question if you want intelligent answer. Kena scolded by us on Friday (They work on Mon - Fri) fun is it?

Really! Sigh..I'm going to send Mini Ong for OT now. Pray that none of these happened. I don't what I will do if it happened again.


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