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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Flawless skin?

Many people asked how do I get flawless skin? What type of skin care products do I use. However when I told them? They do not believe me! (well take it or leave it!)

Well first of all I would like to thank my mum. My mum and aunties have perfect skins. They do not have outbreak easily. I hardly have pimples too. I guess I inherited from them. However, my skin is not flawless. I do have panda eyes and dryness on my lower eyelid and yet I do not have the budget to spend on expensive skin care products. What to do?? Well, I made use of the nature! Yes. The magic is from nature; "Oatmeal!"

"Huh?? Oatmeal? You kidding me!" No I am not! I use oatmeal to wash my face once a day daily! Just like prayer is my daily essence of food, washing face with oatmeal is my daily devotion lolx! 

To me, oatmeal is GOD's greatest creation in earth. Why? Because It does not only full your hungry stomach providing nutrition value to your health, it is a salvation to our skin. 
Benefits of oatmeal: Oatmeal contains the antioxidants avenathramides, which are effective in reducing redness and protecting the skin against UV sun damage. Oatmeal has also long been used to treat dry skin and itching associated with conditions such as eczema and rashes. Adding a bit of oatmeal to your daily facial regimen may be of benefit to you even if you simply want to naturally exfoliate your face. Oatmeal is a great oil absorber too. If your are suffering from frequent breakouts and excess oil, the more you got to try washing with oatmeal at least twice a week.

All you need is lukewarm water and cooking oatmeal (any brand!). Methods: Fill your palm with oatmeal (not too much. Slightly more than $0.50 coin). Next close your fist and run it with lukewarm water to soften the oatmeal. After that apply all over your face and gently massage your face with oatmeal. 

My face feels smoother and softer just after one wash. Pores become smaller too :) The result is instant and Incredible! Amazing isn't it? You will see your face become more radiant and healthier after a few wash. Best of all, it is CHEAP! (It cost less than SGD5 per pack). I've been using it for many months and the result is simply awesome! Before getting to know oatmeal cleansing, my skin's condition is considered good. However due to stress and pollution, I started to have breakout and my face was oily. I chanced upon BubzBeauty's channel (see below link) and tried using her method. It works! Now my face is smoother, healthier, softer, and radiant than before. <3 <3 <3 Because it is good, I never stop using since day 1 haaa Love it!!! Muack! 


Everything is so good no disadvantages meh? Of course have la! Where to find 100% good things on earth haaaa To me, the disadvantages are discipline, and MESSY! ????? Well, good skin requires good discipline; Good discipline and determination to wash face with oatmeal daily. It is messy too. I have to clear my sink every after wash. I do not want to get my sink stuck with the mess lolx! It's "lay chay" (troublesome) though but for the sake of good skin, it is definitely worth the trouble :)

Have fun washing!

Good Luck

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