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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

OMG we are married!!

(St. Elmo's Fire LOVE Theme Instrumental - Original Soundtrack HQ Sound)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pPgv63CyvM&feature=related

This is my wedding song when we marched down the aisle. It is Mr Ong's favourite hence we chose this song.

*Looking at the photo* Pretty of not? *Thick skin* LOLX! By the way this is the edited wedding photo of me. Mr Ong was too shy to show his face so I used a funny spec to cover it. Well too bad I can't shrink the spec (Mr Ong actually praised me for being creative muhahaha). A little bit weird ya kekeke

Time flies and we have been married for 5 years. Looking back these period wasn't and still isn't easy. Don't ever have the thinking that we will still be the same before and after married. Trust me, it is NEVER be the same.

Before married, there are no committments and responsibilities.

After married things start to change...a shocking discovery for me is different living styles and habits. All the bad habits started to unveil. It really took us a long time to adjust and get use to it. I must say not everything about Mr Ong I can accept and vice versa. We just try too see each other's goodness than bad.

This is what I discovered when I stayed with them (in-law) for 4 years before moved to my own house....

Mr Ong love to leave his stuff all over the places in the house. Example he would leave newspaper on the floor after reading, leave his used cup on the floor instead of bringing it to kitchen and wash it, leave his dirty clothes on the floor instead of laundry basket...etc etc etc wherever he went sure left untidy marks on it. The place would look like swept by tornado...ok ok not that bad la BUT BUT definitely very messy.

Who would clear it for him? Me? Of course NOT. His Mother! Whenever he did that his mother would be the one picking up and putting it back to where the stuff belong to. It is a habit built in him since he was a kid. Nobody told him to put back the thing from whichever place he took. In the end who is tired? His mother of course! See how important habit is. If it is not properly cultivated, it will carry forward. The person may not see it as something wrong but to others, new member in the family, is very inconvenience especially the new member is a hygiene freak. That's right! That hygiene freak is ME!

Well, am not really hygiene freak la..just more tidy and organise than Mr Ong..at least I do not leave things anywhere on the floor :p

If I could turn back the clock, I wouldn't want to be tied down before 35. Enjoy life to the fullest before settle down ha!


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