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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Monday, 12 March 2012

The Silent Years

I was watching Joyce Meyer's daily sermon when she talked about the Silent Year. Joyce shared that there are times when we seek God but felt and heard nothing from God. Does that mean that God is not doing anything in our lives? NO. God is doing something IN us. When external situation may not seem to have any improvement it dose not mean God forsake us. HE is doing something IN us internally. It could be our heart and attitude. Joyce said there was a year where she heard nothing from God. She wanted to know what God's plan for her to work on but heard nothing. So she tried to do things that God didn't ask her to do such as sewing and planting tomatoes. Her neighbour had taught her to do it. In the end the pants that she made for her husband didn't sew out well and her tomatoes were eaten by bug but her neigbour's tomatoes were not affected by bug. She was angry with God and blamed God for not protecting her tomatoes. Guess what God said? God said HE got no obligation to protect her tomatoes because HE didn't ask her to plant it!

Through this incident, she learnt to wait for God's timing and trust that HE is working on her live. Looking at my situation, it seem like I am into the "Slient Year". I have been jobless since 5th Jan and despite going for a few interviews, no good news for me. I have been praying and asking God why HE haven't placed me in the good career yet. Not forgetting my hubby is still on contract and we don't know whether he will be converted to perm. What if he is not being converted and I am still jobless? We will sink into financial shit again! Thinking of that scares me...

Somehow, I am feeling peace. I felt even more peace after listening to the sermon. I believe God is working in me internally. There are so many areas in me needs to be worked on. I believe God wants me to learn to take care of family. Learn to be a good wife and mother. I believe God wants me to learn to trust HIM. Trust HIS timing and planning. Cast aside the worries I have and do my best daily.

Looking back, I realised my house has never been so clean and neaty while I was working. It is the effort of me cleaning the house daily. Mini Ong's OT starts tomorrow. It is an intense 6 weeks OT. I believe God wants me to manage this well, ensure my dad is comfortable to bring Mini Ong to OT after I start working. Everything is working according to God's plan. Even though the money in my account is getting lesser and lesser, I believe God will provide. I have to adjust my attitude to trust in God and do according to what HE told me to do. God is great isn't HE? Amen!



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