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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

GOD is with you ALL the time! Hallelujah!!

I was just venting my frustration on Monday via blog regarding how unfair Mr Ong treated me and was crying to GOD for comfort when something good happened! It was a way of GOD telling me HE is with me always!

What happened was on Monday, I was at home with Mini Ong as Mini Ong was on MC. It was a rainy day as well. Thinking Mini Ong developed rashes due to heat, it would be good if he eats home cooked food. I was going through the kitchen cabinet (Note: I don't store food so it was practically nothing) when there was a sudden thought "cook pasta" I heard. I looked into the cabinet again and found half packet of pasta and half bottle of pasta sauce. There were some hotdogs and tuna that were just nice enough for both Mini Ong and Mr Ong. I didn't have the intention to cook for Mr Ong at first. I was thinking of cooking instant noodles for Mini Ong since it was raining and I didn't feel like eating. However somehow, there was a voice telling me to cook for Mr Ong especially Mr Ong loves pasta.

"Ok" I told myself. Since the ingredients were just nice for the 2 Ongs I might as well use it all!. Cook Cook Cook Cook for the next hour. When it was done, I texted Mr Ong to inform him that I had cooked for him. To my surprise! He replied saying that he had bought me a gift!  (Side track a bit. Mr Ong's love language is gift hence he loves receiving gift and tend to buy things for me too ESPECIALLY if he knew he had made a mistake lolx!)

I wonder what the gift was. Well when he came back, he showed me internet booster. An Internet booster is a software program that is designed to enhance the speed of any connection to the Internet. I had been complaining that I could not use internet in the room when Mr Ong is gaming. When he game, it took up too much bandwidth that there was no connection in the room. Whenever he game, I had to use the internet in the living room instead of my room. Inconvenient though. Internet booster is not cheap. It cost SGD 150. It is definitely more costly than my Naked 2 palette that cost SGD 80. 

I was very touched. This is how Mr Ong shows love. He is kind of practical too. He is a man of ego hence he never apologize but he would use his action to show his apology. Like getting me a internet booster. This is more practical than make up palette. Of course if I were to think negative, I could have thought internet booster benefits him more than me as he could not connect to network at all in the room at the side of his bed. At least I still have connection so long he doesn't game. However, I choose to believe that he got it for my benefit more instead of his. I am very thankful.

Through this incident, GOD once again showed me HE is with me ALL the time. HE knows what I am going through in my life. Everything about me HE knows. HE was reminding me to trust HIM. Trust HIM that my life will improve. Just do my best for the family and HE will take care of everything!


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