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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

GOD is always blessing in HIS time

I had great lunch with my 2 besties yesterday, Mrs Goh and Ms Chew. Through their sharing of what they have been going through, I could feel God's love strongly. HE loves everyone so much that all we have to do is to trust HIM and receive HIS blessing in HIS time.

Mrs Goh is a free lance special needs officer (SMO). I witnessed how she struggled at the initial stage of her career till now her skill is being recognized by people whom she has helped and worked with. Her passion towards helping kids with special needs and faith towards God has rewarded her. Even though during the process it was both physical and mentally drained, she pressed on. 现在终于苦尽甘来。I am so happy for her. The rest of her journey is definitely not going to be easy but with God, nothing is impossible. Faith and Trust are required.

As for Ms Chew, there is finally light in her career. Struggled for 4 years in her current company, she is finally able to take up a bigger portfolio. Most importantly, her boss is very supportive of her and trust her, and even groom her to assume a bigger capacity role. All she needs to do now is to build up her confidence level and trust that God will provide. Alway remember that God will not place us in a situation that we cannot handle. Even though the situation may seem tough, but if God place us there mean we can do it. Believe and Faith are required from Ms Chew.

Relating their stories boost my faith level. I have been jobless since Jan and been through some interviews. Though the agents promise to "sell" me to their clients as Staffing Manager, so far no news. I always wonder was it my job stint that stopped them from considering me. I did not stay long in each company I went wasn't really my choice. 很无奈可是有谁能体谅?I always believe if a company knows how to see talent (not that I say myself talented la. I just experienced haaa) 慧眼识英雄, they will look into the candidate experience not job stint. After all Recruitment is a skill. To identify a candidate's personality at least 60% accurate within 60sec the moment the candidate walked into the interview room is a skill! It is years of accumulated experience to reach this level. Where to find such a cheap Recruiter with ASEAN exposure right? *BIG SIGH* However I want to believe that if God wants to put me in that company, nothing will stop me from joining. I need to keep on believing and have faith in HIM. I strongly believe God will place me in a career HE knows is the best for me.

Already seen and experience how God work miraculously in my friends', Mr Ong and my life, the more I should not let Mr Tan deceive me in convincing me that God is not with me. HE IS with me and ALWAYS with me!

Waiting to receive my blessing in career :)

Ai Zai

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