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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

New Job = New Baby??

Received a call from GMP that I am shortlisted for interview with a good gaming company. An MNC as Staffing Manager! Wow I couldn't believe it! Gaming companies is a great industry to go into. It is a casual and fun company to work in. Just like Google. I am so happy that despite not feeling well and suppose to rest, my mind is so excited that I decided to blog it *wink*

What am I suppose to say during the interview? Will the interivewer likes me? What to wear for interview? Oh gosh am so excited! Though interview doesn't mean confirm get the job, but it is a HOPE! God is great isn't HE? :)

Well I pray that if this is a open opportunity from God to me, let me be selected on the spot kekeke AMEN!

So what is new job going to do with baby? Oh well lately Mr Ong has been proposing having a 2nd kid. He feels that when both of us secure a perm job, it would be time to have another kid to keep Mini Ong company. However, I am still not ready to have another kid. I have financial fear, relationship fear, and Mini Ong fear.

We are still in debts. To secure a perm job to me means paying off all the debts. I want to have a financial breakthrough in 2012. Having another kid is only to add more financial burden to us.

My next concern is relationship. Mr Ong and I are still not in love. This marriage is based on responsibilities and committment. It is scary to think of having 2 kids and divorce. It may not happen of course but again we never know.

Mini Ong is a AHDH kid. He needs more attention than other normal kid. My attention to him already max out. I really don't know how to divide my love and attention to another kid. For the next 1 - 2 years, Mini Ong has to go for ADHD intervention frequently. It is going to be taxing for us. Despite Mr Ong said he will get a maid if we have 2nd kid, but it only solves my housework problem not Mini Ong's attention problem.

Hence I suggested to wait for another 2 years. Wait till Mini Ong is in Primary 1. By then hopefully he doesn't have to go for intervention anymore and his ADHD is able to control well. By then we would have paid off all the debts as well. It would be more stable to have new comer in the family. Also by then if everything goes well, we would be on our 8 years of marriage. Should be safe le ba.......

Well everything will goes according to God's will. We shall see how. Be patience and walk according to God's will.


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