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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Friday, 9 March 2012

~Wedding Proposal 求婚~

I had a most wonderful dream yesterday. I dream that a guy (I don't remember his face) kneel down and proposed to me in the public! And when I said "Yes!", he put on my favourite diamond ring on my finger!

I was so touched and happy that tears of joy soon filled my eyes. Next min I knew I was hugging him. Like most women, I used to wonder how my future husband would propose to me. I dreamed about it being near the ocean (I love the beach) and I wondered what he would say and how he would ask. Well my husband never proposed to me. Our marriage is kind of being forced to. Till now I don't think he loves me yet too. Perhaps because of this, deep inside my heart I long for a marriage proposal. I long for the moment the diamond ring was put on my finger and the happiness my partner shown when I said "yes".

I long for this blissful feeling so badly that when I woke up from the dream, first time in my life I actually hate to be alive! I wish I can be in the dream forever.

Deep inside my heart, I do wish and pray that one day, he will propose to me. 好希望那天快点到来。


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