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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

More Stubborn as he grows up

It was a normally day as aways, fetching Mini Ong from school and asked him what he wants to have for dinner. Only this time is different. Mini Ong threw tantrum! What worst hide inside his room since 6pm refused to apologize and talk to me!

Now is 6.30pm when I blog. Everything was ok just now. Mini Ong said he wanted to eat Chicken rice at the coffee shop beside Shop and Save. It was all agreed when he out of sudden changed his mind when we walked near Rivervale Plaza. He wanted to eat mixed rice. The mixed rice at Rivervale Plaze was terrible. He had one yesterday and he didn't even finish 1/2 of the food! So I refused to give in. I told him nicely there is a mixed rice stall at the coffee shop too but he refused. He even cried and threw tantrum there!

He knew I dislike him throwing tantrum in the public yet he did that. He even refused to let me hold his hand and said to me, "You are very naughty! I don't want to talk to you and don't want to hold your hand." That's it! 很有骨气是吗?跟我斗狠是吗?Fine! I also don't want to talk to him. I am not buying dinner for him and not going to shower for him too. Initially I wanted to bring him cycle after dinner, now no more!

He can wait for his daddy to come home and bring him out for dinner and shower for him. Well that would be about 10pm ba since Mr Ong has dinner appointment today. I can't believe he is so stubborn! We shall see who is more stubborn. 跟你妈做对。。。找死啊!我到要看看你会几点出来道歉!


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