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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


I was walking home this morning after sending Mini Ong to school when I saw this old couple in front of me. The wife was affectionately holding her husband arm while they were crossing the road. At times when the old lady let go her hand and the old man tend to walk faster and his old wife couldn't catch up, he would stop and wait for her. 
Looking at the scene made me wonder whether it will happen to me too? Mr Ong doesn't even hold my hand now. Will he hold my hand in future when we both old? I doubt so... As an old saying, to be husband and wife, it is "百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠". Meaning 一百年的缘份可以在今世坐同一座船, 而做夫妻, 则需要一千年的缘份。Which also mean 缘份来之不易, 要珍惜. However how many actually treasure it? After married, when commitment and practical set in, ugly side of our personalities unveil. How many can actually tolerate and give in forever? Divorce rate is sky high because people loves to choose the easy way out.
2 different people from 2 different families cultures and 2 different personalities, to live under one roof is a great challenge. Those challenges we will never see before married. The funny thing is it will only reveal after married. I always wonder if it is revealed before married, at least we have choices. Either try to work things out so that after married life would be simple, or just break up. We also have 2 choices after married. Either sort out the differences or divorce. However divorce comes with a price. A very heavy price, unlike break up comes with no cost *kah ching!! Money!*

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