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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Love Language *Experience talk*

Have you heard of Dr. Gary Chapman's best seller book; "The 5 love languages"? In case you have not, here are the brief introduction; With more than 30 years of experience as a marriage counselor, Dr. Gary Chapman has heard it all. He has helped couples at every stage of marriage and at pivotal points in their relationships - from those just discovering the joys and trial of marriage to those who are ready to call it quits.

After many years of counseling, Dr. Chapman noticed a pattern: everyone he had counseled had a "love language," a primary way of expressing and interpreting love. He also discovered that, for whatever reason, people are usually drawn to those who speak a different love language than their own.

Of the countless ways we can show love to one another, five key categories, or five love languages, proved to be universal and comprehensive - everyone has a love language, and we all identify primarily with one of the five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Check this website for the meaning of the 5 love languages (http://www.5lovelanguages.com/learn-the-languages/the-five-love-languages/)

You may be wondering why I mention it. As I moved on to my story, you will understand what was the reason.

For the whole month of August, I had been very emotionally unstable till I developed panic attack. Apart from jobless issue (I'm going to start work 3rd Sept yeah! \(^_^)/), I felt that Mr Ong wasn't concerned about me. He was busy gaming, clubbing and smsing. I found it so hard to communicate with him. There wasn't any opportunity for quality time without him doing his stuff. This had been the issue for past 6 years and I felt that it was getting worst! Determine to do something to our marriage, I decided to drop him an email. It was on 1st week of August (Sometime, face to face talk could lead to heated argument or emotional cry. Emailing is better at least it gives you time to think before you write it down). Apparently Mr Ong read it because we had a talk on the issues. He promised that he will try to improve the situation and be more sensitive to my needs. However as time goes by, I see no improvement. Eventually it led to emotion snapped and panic attack. I behaved like a crazy woman! It was so bad that first time in my life, I actually not afraid of committing suicide! Realizing that this is unhealthy and scary, I had to put an end to it.

I began to pray desperately to GOD to save me. It was then I heard a voice said,"love language". Thinking that I must be too tired, I ignored it. However as I pray, the word kept coming to my mind. Suddenly I recalled that I had bought a book, 'The 5 love languages', many years back. I searched for the book and re-read again. As I read the book, everything started to make sense. The reason why my emotion broke down was because my 'love tank' was empty. Mr Ong had failed to speak my love language to refill my love tank. As my 'love tank' was empty for long period, it eventually lead to break down of emotion. The letter I wrote to Mr Ong was an indication of my inner cry for his love. It actually indirectly stated my love language! To be fair to Mr Ong, I didn't speak his love language as well. As his 'love tank' was equally empty, he withdrew. He didn't know about the concept of love language. To him, he felt that all couples are the same after few years of marriage. What we are experiencing, no chemical in the marriage, are normal to him. However to me, because I always place GOD as number 1 in my life, my understanding of GOD's marriage are different from him. For example, Quality Time, he thinks that by physical presence with me is consider quality time. However, the real concept of quality time is focusing on your spouse and not doing other stuff, while spending time with her/him.

At this moment, there is nothing I can do except pray. Let GOD intervene this marriage. After all, I had done my best in communicating with him. Even though Mr Ong said he will try to learn to speak to my love language, I couldn't help but feel that he still does not understand my cry. I really want to break the curse and only GOD can do it. 


Saturday, 25 August 2012


Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted
- Matthew 5:4

Jesus is clearly not speaking here of every kind of mourning, some of which is due to the natural consequences of sinful living in a sinful world. Rather, he speaks of those who mourn for their sins, in repentance, recognizing their wickedness before a holy and good God.

It is the "broken and contrite heart" that God will not despise (Psalm 51:17).

Remember the tax collector in Jesus' parable? (Luke 18:9-14). He could not even look up to heaven, the burden of his own sin and guilt weighed so heavily on him. He smote his own breast and cried "God be merciful to me, the sinner." This man, Jesus said, went to his home justified before God.

True, spiritual grief is God -- not man -- centered. People often "mourn" for their mistakes, but only because they are caught in a crime, or suffer themselves, or see loved ones suffer. But all sin (not just "big" sins) should cause the penitent heart to mourn, knowing that it grieves and dishonors God.

True spiritual mourning also leads to true spiritual repentance, a turning away from the old way of life and to the way of Christ (2 Corinthians 7:10). Mourning that is only outward and temporary will not be comforted.

But how will those who truly mourn for sin be comforted? How will they be consoled when they are mourning because of real sin, real burdens, and real repentance? They will be comforted because, through Christ, the source of their grief will be removed.

In Christ, they find forgiveness, healing, and the power to overcome sin. Ultimately, they will be comforted when they are removed from even the very presence of sin, in heaven. Blessed they are, indeed, who mourn for their sin.
How great God is! I was just mourning for the sins I committed when my daily devotion regarding God's forgiveness came. I led a very stupid life and made many mistakes which were sins. Somehow lately all my sins surfaced and the guilt and grief weighed so heavily on me! I believe Satan was attacking me again wanted me to feel bad and lousy.

However I have a faithful and good God who tells me through this daily devotion that when I truly repent, all my sins will be removed through Christ.

Thank you God for your love and forgiveness. Thank you Jesus for removing my sins.


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Reminder from God; Stronger by Faith

Stronger by Faith

by Joyce Meyer - posted August 22, 2012

The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. —Exodus 15:2
God does not want to just give you strength; He wants to be your strength. In 1 Samuel 15:29 God is referred to as the Strength of Israel. There was a time when Israel knew God was their strength. But when they forgot it, they always started to fail and their lives began to be filled with destruction.
How do you receive strength from God? By faith. Hebrews 11:11 says that by faith Sarah received strength to conceive a child when she was well past childbearing age. By faith you can receive strength to stay in a difficult marriage, raise a difficult child, or prosper in a difficult job. Start receiving God as your strength by faith. It will quicken your body as well as your spirit and soul.

Once again, GOD reminds me to have faith. Look at my daily devotion today (See the bold words with yellow highlight). These are the challenges I am facing and to be honest, I am DYING! My dear sis in Christ, Mrs Ho, said the reason why I felt drained was because I did not fully surrender and trust GOD. If I did, I would feel peace and none of the above mentioned would bothers me. Well, she is right again.

As you know, my marriage did not have foundation. Meaning we did not have proper courtship to get to know each other more before we got married. From the time we know each other till married, total duration was 6 months! To make this crazy decision to get married was because I was pregnant. Abortion was not on our list hence marriage was the only way to keep the baby. Since then, everyday is a battle. Yes the word is "IS". A battle to improve this marriage. Without GOD in my marriage, I would be dead by then. The number of heart broken and tears flowed *probably could cause a tsunami!*could drives a woman to commit suicide. Mental torture wasn't fun at all! Of course I am still well and alive but that is not because of my love for son or whatsoever. It is because of GOD. I believe GOD is working on my marriage and I just need to stay faithful to GOD. There are still things to be ironed out...I also realized that the more I am drawn to GOD, the more Mr Ong would "chu pattern" to shaken our marriage. Spiritual warfare is on now. It is the war that GOD took over from me now to fight for me. All I need to do is to pray and wait. Be a audience!

Raising a difficult child is no joke. It is mentally, physically and financially drained. Mini Ong is a ADHD kid. Being a ADHD kid, he has to go for Occupation Therapy where he is taught to control his hyper activeness. On top of that, his English language isn't good too and has been put to speech review. If the review turns out negative, he has to go for speech therapy too *BIG SIGH* What made the problem worst is that Mini Ong has flat footed. He has to put a special insole to help develop his arch to be of normal. That cost us SGD 91. Insole got to change every 6 - 12 mths as his feet develop. You see how these expenses burn a big hole in my pocket :( Because of these, our marriage affected too. Mr Ong was in denial stage saying all these therapies weren't necessary. However it is necessary! If we ignore, Mini Ong's future development will be dark....I just surrender my worries to GOD. I can't take it anymore. HE shall take over.

The job I am going to take is going to be difficult (See my previous blogs). If I said I am not worried I am lying. However GOD again and again reminds me not to be afraid as HE is with me. Because of his assurance, I felt better and peace slowly set in.

In conclusion, I need to remain cool and let GOD's peace fill me. Be FAITHFUL! 


Monday, 20 August 2012

No More Same Old Same Old

No More Same Old Same Old

by Joyce Meyer - posted August 20, 2012

Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! —Isaiah 43:18, 19
In today’s scripture, God says He is doing a new thing. As you move into the future He has for you, you will encounter all kinds of new opportunities, and challenges. The days ahead will be full of new experiences, things you have never done before. You may not know how to do them, but you will learn. Everything you are doing today was new to you at one time—and look, now you can do it.
Continuing to face new challenges and develop new abilities is extremely important to your growth and maturity. As you walk with God into your future, you will hear Him say, “You have not done this before, but don’t be afraid. I’m taking you to a place you have never been before. I’m going to ask you to do something you don’t know how to do!” God has already been where He is leading you, and He has prepared the way. Step out in faith and you will experience the faithfulness of God.
We think and say, “It’s time for a change! I need something new,” and then we hesitate to embrace that new thing when it comes. If you are ready for something new and fresh, don’t be afraid to embrace it when it comes.
Don’t stay trapped in the past. Let go of what lies behind and press into the great future God has planned for you. I can promise you: God is with you. He will lead you. He will strengthen you. He will help you. 
Love God Today: With God’s help, I will embrace every new thing He brings into my life.
Once again, I feel so love by GOD. The above mentioned is my daily devotion. It speaks to me!! I had panic attack again today. Perhaps you are wondering why did I have panic attack when my job is already secured. Well this is the cause! To be honest, I am very scared of the new challenge that I am going to face soon. No doubt it is recruitment but this time, responsibility heavier. I am going to do things that I have never done before and I don't know how to do!....I am going to lead a bigger team and make changes to the recruitment team. Everyone, the stakeholders and my bosses, are watching me, seeing how I am going to perform miracle (existing recruitment is a big mess and my job is to clear the mess).

Yes I am a coward I admit but I think this is human nature! Everyone who is moving towards the unknown, will more or less feel scare and insecure. I suppose this is why I suffered from panic attack again. I acknowledge my fear and have been telling GOD truthfully. Guess what? GOD assured me HE is with me to face new challenges and develop new abilities that is extremely important to my growth and maturity. I have to be brave and faithful. Keep focus on GOD! HE will strengthen me and help me.


Sunday, 19 August 2012

Comparing :( A wakening call!

Yesterday, I had a bad dream. I dreamt that I was pregnant and my family 'jumped' on me as if I committed the world greatest crime! In the dream, I shouted at them, "I am a Recruitment Manager and our household income is that of those who live in condos and private apartments. Why is that I can't have 2nd kid?" It was then I recalled that I promised my boss I will not have 2nd kid till I clear the recruitment mess, and my hubby is still jobless. On top of that, we still have debts to pay off. *Come on la...which Singaporean do not have debts?* Anyway as fast as the dream came, I woke up thanking GOD that it was just a dream.

This dream was disturbing. First, I am not ready to be a mother again. Why did I keep dreaming that I was pregnant? Secondly, why would my family so against me pregnant? Because both my hubby's and my jobs are still unstable? Or was because Mr Ong is still not ready for this marriage and not ready to love me??

I guess maybe this is going to do with my cousin who lately just given birth to her 2nd kid. While others tend to ask me when will I have 2nd baby, the other would oppose the idea. A series of negative incidents haunted my mind....

Since young, my family members have been comparing me with my cousin, saying she is prettier than me, smarter than me, married a good husband, her house is nicer and neater than me etc etc etc....

Since young till now, I have been living in this unkind comparison. I can't help by wondering why? What is the purpose of comparing me with her and why? Is it because they feel shiok by degrading me? Seriously I was feeling down and I told a Sis in Christ, Mrs Ho, about my dream and I shared with Mr Ong about my unhappiness.

Mrs Ho said, "GOD won't give you more than you can bear. HE knows when you are ready or not. This one fear that gripes you and you need to surrender. I believe HE gave you the dream to show you your fears. If you ain't ready for a baby then remember to take precautions until you think you are ready. GOD won't give you what you cannot take." Guess what? Mrs Ho is right! I am indeed fearful. Until I learn to face my fear, the fear will keep haunting me. By facing my fear, I have to learn to fix my eyes to GOD always and surrender to HIM. 

Mr Ong assured me that I am not in anyway inferior than my cousin and I should not be bothered by it. He said I have to learn to ignore people's criticism. Though Mr Ong did not say focus on GOD, somehow, I got the message from Mr Ong that I should focus on GOD! One told me directly to focus on GOD and the other one told me indirectly.

I realized what my weakness are; I took people's criticism seriously and I lack of self confidence. I am fearful too.

Joyce Meyer's message today really speak to me. She said, "Let now be your time to go forward and be set free from the torments of comparing yourself with others and trying to be someone you’re not. God is proud of who He made you to be!" Isn't GOD amazing? HE is using Joyce to tell me to STOP comparing myself with others! HE is proud of me! 

At this moment, I realized that to overcome my weakness, I need to focus on GOD. Man will fail you but not GOD. Focusing on GOD is my only breakthrough. I am so overwhelm by GOD's love! Imaging HE has been telling me HE loves me through different channels :)

No matter what happen in future, my eyes are on GOD only and I am to work for HIM not man. They can say what they want. My ears will not entertain them. Looking forward to my own breakthrough soon :)


Follow in Faith

Follow in Faith
by Joyce Meyer - posted August 08, 2012

I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].
—Genesis 12:2
Obedience to God's voice was not easy for me when He first called me to leave the security of my job and start my own ministry. But, the verse for today is one that God used to speak to me and encourage me in the plans He had for me. It's easy to read this verse and think, Yes! I want to be blessed. That sounds terrific! But, we must remember that God required a sacrifice of obedience from Abraham before that great promise was fulfilled.
Abraham had to leave everything comfortable and familiar to him and move toward an unknown destination. Many people would find that unnerving—but Abraham didn't. Hebrews 11:8 says, "[Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go."
When we obey God, we need to be like Abraham and not allow our minds to be troubled. When God speaks to us and leads us, we need to follow in faith, trusting and believing that He will bless our obedience and fulfill His promises to us.
God's word for you today: God is fulfilling His promises to you.
This is my another daily devotion for today (8 Aug) (I subscribed to 4 daily devotions keke). The company that I went for interview called me. HR VP offered me an Assistant Manager position but pay lower than my last drawn. Seriously I really don't feel peace accepting hence I rejected him. However, he wanted to arrange an interview with his boss who is the SVP. I knew the VP is sincere in getting me to join him hence he insisted of me meeting his boss. The arrangement was made to meet the SVP.

On the day of meeting the SVP (16 Aug), with GOD's grace, the meeting was smooth. She did not put me down or made the interview any tougher. When came to the offering part, again the offer remain. Somehow, I had the strength and confident to reject her! I said, "Thank you for the offer however I will not accept anything lower than my expectation. If you do not feel comfortable hiring me as Manager, I would suggest you drop me rather than go against your will, and hope and pray that I would meet your standard." SVP's eyes brighten and she said, "I like your confidence! You shall get what you wanted."

It was like "OMG!" I couldn't believe I got what I wanted! The best part was, during the interview with SVP till I made my stand clear, I had peace. Peace and confident were with me throughout my interview and I knew very well that these are from my beloved GOD! As I drew nearer to GOD, I feel HIS love for me stronger than ever. Though I know this role is definitely going to be very challenging, I know very very well that GOD will not place me there to die. HE will not place me in anything that I could not handle. I know very well too that HE will guide me to face my challenge. Isn't GOD great? 

Just like my daily devotion, GOD once again reminds me to be like Abraham. Abraham had to leave everything comfortable to move into an unknown destiny. See what GOD had blessed Abraham! Abraham's faith, patience, and obedience to GOD had led him to receive more blessing from Heavenly Father!

Oh my dear beloved Heavenly Father. Thank you for your constant reminder to me to be like Abraham. To have constant Faith, Patience, and Obedience to YOU. Following YOUR way definitely not easy but because of YOUR guidance, I shall have the POWER to overcome any obstacle in my life be it work, finance or marriage.  Thank you for YOUR unfailing love for me. I love you Father Lord. In Jesus's name, AMEN!


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Ask Seek Knock (I thought I always ASK?)

~Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth
- Matthew 7:7-8

Ask. Seek. Knock. Each of these verbs is dynamic, energetic. True prayer is not a lethargic experience; it is a vigorous participation in the plan of God. It is the soul's fervent endeavor toward the kingdom of God.

But each verb also connotes something else: neediness. One does not ask, if one does not need. One does not seek, if one has already found. One does not knock, if the door is standing open. Prayer is recognition that you need God.

The reason, therefore, that we have not prayed as we should is because we are either too spiritually lazy to labor in prayer, or we are too content to feel our need of God. Which are you?

Regardless, the good news is this: for those who awaken to their desperate condition and follow hard after God, God has promised universal acceptance and success. Everyone who asks will receive!

But perhaps you have not received. Perhaps you have not found. Perhaps you still stand at the closed door with bloody knuckles and a growing doubt in your mind. Why hasn't God answered? Why won't he turn the lock and swing open the door?

Do not give up, beloved. God always gives to everyone who asks -- he has given us his word. He will either give us what we have been begging for, or he will give something better.

No one will go away from the throne room disappointed, although you may have to linger there for a long time.~

This is one of my message from daily devotion today. Just as I was feeling depressed again, GOD reminded me to ASK HIM. "I thought I already ask you Father? I pray daily! I told you what I want daily. What do you mean by ask?" I asked GOD. "Ok I shall ASK again Father." I said to GOD. Getting into my praying motion, I started to pray telling GOD what I need and want. It was then something miraculously happened. Something struck on me that GOD is not telling me that I did not ask HIM. HE is telling me that no doubt my prayer have not been answered, HE has not forgotten me. HE is working in my life. GOD is never too late or too early. HE is on time. (see the above mentioned in bold) HE will DEFINITELY answer my prayer. GOD may not give me what I want but what HE gives is definitely BETTER than what I asked :)

Later today, the company that I went for interview last week called. The HR VP told me he already completed reference check with one of my ex-bosses (2 reference checks from 2 ex-bosses completed later) and he decided to offer me. Oh GOD I was so excited. However when I learnt the offer, I was disappointed and I rejected him. From Recruitment Manager role he offered me an Assistant Recruitment Manager (which I don't mind too) BUT BUT BUT salary is lower than my last drawn!! *Do Dong*.........................................

VP justified that he is not sure how good I am in handling the stakeholders and the rank and file staff though I came from MNC background. I was like duh...I reminded him that I did not come from MNC background from the start. I did local recruitment before I was given the opportunity to do regional recruitment. I started off recruiting rank and file staff before I moved to recruit 'atas' people. If I can handle stakeholders from the regions, I don't understand what made him thinks that I can't handle local stakeholders? 

He kept reasoning that he has to see my ability first. I had the strong urge to tell him,"Hello uncle! Imagine you are patronizing a restaurant and all your friends who patronized the restaurant before recommended you the restaurant's signature dishes. Because you have not tried before and yet you would like to try, you tell the waiter you will pay half the price of the food first and if the food is really as nice as what your friends said, then you will pay the balance half." *Do Dong!* The equation doesn't work this way loh. After ding dong from me to him and to me from him, finally he said he will speak to his boss, Senior HR VP, and will arrange an interview for me with his boss next week. 

*Big sigh* what a.....(Speechless). As a professional recruiter aka me (hohoho) I realized that if I ever join the company, I will have a hard time with the VP. I am such a small fly yet he has to consult his boss (Can't make decision). His recruitment idea is apparently OUTDATED! He doesn't even know the current HR trend..it is definitely going to be super duper challenging. I am not worried about the stakeholders but him! I wonder whether he could accept contemporary HR strategy. What shocked me (super SHOCK) was he asked for my transcript! He said transcript could tell a person's personality. *Do Dong!* Again, I reasoned with him. I gave him an example. I said,"my husband is academy smart. He never studied for his exams yet he could score A1. However I am the total opposite. I studied hard but will never score A1. A pass is consider good and whole family would celebrate. Are you saying I am inconsistent? I am incompetent? What do you think about people like my husband?" He was speechless. "Catchya!! neh net ni boo boo bleh!!~~"

Ahhh anyway I will email him my transcript and will meet his boss. I do not want to argue with him anymore. Seriously I am really affected by him but I know GOD will see me through. HE will give me the best. :) Stay hopeful!!


Monday, 6 August 2012

Garden of Eden

It was early this year when the idea of buying over my uncle's flower shop came to my mind. I was talking to my youngest aunt, who is helping my uncle in his flower shop, where this plan came to my mind. Eventually, it revolutionized to own a flower shop without taking over from my uncle. 

Initially, plan to set up business of my own was because I am jobless (yes I AM still jobless) and I thought about my mum and aunt. I thought If I could own a flower shop, I could let my aunt runs the business. She has the experience! As for my mum, I thought if one day she retired, she would have another option; ie to help out my business. Also for me, being an employee is always so insecure and unstable. The fact that I have been jobless for super long is an evidence of insecurity and instability. Hence it would be good to be my own boss :)

Well, it is just a dream. Dream is FREE! No harm dreaming right? lolx! Having this dream really push me to work harder to achieve that. I even had planned what I am going to do if this day ever come\(^0^)/. Things like business strategy, renovation, etc...Mr Ong was so supportive when I told him that. Since I had this dream, everyday I pray to GOD that if this is what HE wants me to do, HE will bless me with the finance to own it :)

Last week, I shared this dream with a sister in Christ. The first thing she said was,"How do you know this is not from GOD? Why would this vision of owning a flower shop came to your mind?" I was like.."ya hoh...I'm not a flower lover so I never thought of doing a flower business." But why was this thought suddenly popped in my mind? Not forgetting I do not have the capital to do business! However, she said, "If this is from GOD, HE will bless you. Don't worry about the finance and other stuff. Just focus on HIM." At that moment, I was so touched...

Ok, how does the Garden of Eden came into the picture? I was digesting what my dear sister had said to me when I suddenly had the urge to text her about the name of my future shop. Immediately she replied,"How about Garden of Eden?" I was like "Jesus I love this name!"

For Christian, Garden of Eden is not unfamiliar to us. In fact, this is GOD greatest creation! Ok to summarize: The Garden of Eden (Hebrew גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan Edhen), is the biblical "garden of GOD. 
See Genesis 2-3
The Genesis creation narrative opens with God creating the first human, whom he places in the divine garden "in Eden in the east". God tasks the man to tend the garden, but forbids him to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God then forms a woman from a rib of the man to be a companion to the man. The first man and woman break God's command and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, and God expels them from the garden to prevent them from eating of a second tree, theTree of Life, which would give them god-like immortality as well as god-like wisdom; a cherub and a flaming sword at the gate bars their return.
Because I love GOD, I would like to name my blessing after HIS creation as a constant reminder that I am who I am because of GOD. Hence Garden of Eden shall be the name of my future shop. <3 <3 <3
One day if this dream ever fulfill, I shall blog more about it. :)



Sunday, 5 August 2012

Expecting something good Part 2

I went for interview on 31st Jul 12 and on 1st Aug 12, the VP HR called me. He said he would want some of my testimonials and he will conduct reference check with my 2 ex-bosses. As Recruiter, I know that it means I am being selected for the role that's why they need my testimonial and conduct reference check. 

Since then, I have been very happy and wait happily for the outcome. After all, I had done my very best in the interview and I trust GOD. If that is the job for me, HE will definitely make sure I'll get it. If not, HE will close the door. Whatever the outcome is, I know GOD has great plan for me and I should just trust HIM completely just like a child trust his parents without doubt.

GOD I am definitely expecting something good to happen to me. Be in career, marriage, and financial. I will expect something good to happen to me in all areas of my life. God is great isn't HE :) 

My daily verse today says,"On this day of your life Klara, we believe GOD wants you to know that everything will be alright. It may seem dark at the moment, but don't lose hope. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, keep moving and you'll get there. GOD won't abandon you; let GOD be your light. It may take some time, but in the end, everything will be alright."

I am so confirmed that GOD does love me! This daily message is GOD telling me that HE is working on the broken part of my life and that I should just trust HIM completely. HE is never too late or early. HE is always ON TIME!


Saturday, 28 July 2012

What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?

by Joyce Meyer - posted July 28, 2012

The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him. —Lamentations 3:25
After we pray and ask God for what we want, need, or desire, we should wait expectantly. We must be full of hope, which is joyful and confident expectation of something good happening. After years of being disappointed in my childhood and early adult years, I developed what the Bible calls evil forebodings (see Proverbs 15:15). That means I was expecting bad news most of the time.
I believe many people are caught in the trap of being afraid to expect something good because they do not want to be disappointed again. God wants everyone to aggressively expect good things from Him because He is good.
Don’t be passive either. A passive person is someone who wants good things to happen and they are going to do nothing but wait to see what happens. Although the verse for today does tell us to wait, it says to wait expectantly. I like to confess Scriptures aloud while I am waiting on God to work in my behalf. They remind me of His promises, and they keep me encouraged. God’s Word is filled with creative power and, when spoken in faith, it is equal to sowing seed that will bring a harvest.
If you have prayed and find yourself waiting longer than you had planned for an answer, thank God that He is working when you are tempted to be impatient. Tell God what you are expecting and look forward to your breakthrough. Don’t fall into the trap of complaining and murmuring while you wait either. Be joyfully confident that your answer is on the way.
God’s word for you today: Don’t get discouraged. God is working and you will see the results soon.

OMG! The above mentioned is my daily devotion today. I just blogged about expecting something good yesterday and today GOD spoke to me about what am I expecting. Isn't GOD wonderful? :)

Over the years, the only concerning things in my life are marriage and career. For those who know me, my marriage has been like a roller coaster ride. Never loving never smooth. I suppose if I had heart attack I would have passed away! lolx! However GOD always told me to hang on. Doing something right when you don't feel like it, you are growing, HE said. Because I love GOD and fear HIM, I obey despite many times I really feel like running away from this marriage.

Career is another headache issue. Never smooth. Along the way as I am looking for permanent job, I do get people discouraging me and degrading me. "Who do they think they are? Leader of the world or GOD?" I thought in my heart. Nevertheless, GOD told me this, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me, says the LORD." Isaiah 54:17 Because of what GOD told me, again I press on.

When I read my daily devotion today, I am so so touched. GOD told me not to be discourage. GOD is working and I will see the results soon. I can't wait to see it. Thank you GOD for being my GOD :) Amen!



Expecting something good?

It has been weeks since I didn't sleep well. What made the matter worst, I had nightmares almost every night. Finally yesterday, I managed to sleep soundly for 4 hours and had a sweet dream :)

I dreamt that I am holding a permanent job with a big company and was at China for business trip. In the dream, I got a cab from my hotel and travelled to my China office for meeting. It was a cold and quiet morning. Colleagues from China were friendly and we had great time together. Through one of the business contacts, I managed to secure a high flyer job for Mr Ong. Oh GOD what a sweet dream...It seemed so real too!

Back in reality, I am back to the jobless, miserable, and lifeless LC. Just before the day ended, I received a call from one of the big companies for the position of Recruitment Manager. GOD! I was so so excited! What shocked me was this company, though a local company, has been venture globally and they recently just ventured into China market! Was it coincident? Or was this a vision from GOD? I shall find out soon when I go for interview on Monday. 

Oh Father Lord, I pray for a smooth interview on Monday and favor from the interviewer. If this is YOUR plan for me, may the job scopes, salary and career prospect be attractive to me. If this is not for me, please close the door. Thank you so much for hearing my prayer and thank you for being my Father, my Jesus. In Jesus's name I pray, AMEN!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012



Monday, 23 July 2012

6 months spent with GOD is even more than 10 years as 'Christian"

Recent revelation; I realized that my 6 months spending with God is even more than my 10 years as a Christian. 

I began to believe in Christ in 1999 after constant unpleasant spiritual encounter since the age of 11. I used to be Buddhism and later shifted to Hinduism by the influence of my uncle. All these belief did not cause the spiritual encounter to stop. I was very fearful not knowing when 'it' will attack me again. 'It' came on one night..something invincible was strangling me! 'It' stopped when I cried to Jesus to save me. I shouted "Jesus save me!" 3 times. 'It' stopped by the third calling and since then, 'It' never came back. Thank God! My aunt, who is a fervent Christian and had same experience as me thought me to call GOD for help. Out of desperate, I called on Jesus to help me.

Since then, I began to get to know who is Jesus and who is GOD. I was baptize in 2004. Even then, I admit I wasn't very faithful. Yes I went to church every Sunday but most of the time my mind was drifting away from GOD especially if the preacher is a boring speaker. I did not feel GOD's presence strongly too. I can't even speak in tongue despite praying for it.  Yes till now I still can't. Well I no longer feel sad about it for GOD said we are all gifted differently :)

When my friends told me they were slain in the spirit, I often wonder what was the feeling like...how was it feel to receive healing. And when my friends shared how GOD bless them, I wondered how did it feel to be blessed by GOD. I could see the joy and glow in them when they shared. GOD I wish I could share too.

I have been jobless for 6 months. Since then I began to spend more time with GOD every morning and even any time during the day. This is where miracle set in..I began to hear HIM more! GOD talks to me through daily devotion and as well as through my friends. I can't explain how the miracle works but you just know it is from GOD and not imagining. I have been praying for permanent career for both myself and my hubby. GOD's reply to me is "Wait patiently with joy". To be honest it is hard to wait patiently with joy especially my bank is drying...I really don't know how it is going to last any longer. Monthly expenses are not little too. My hubby is so stressed up that he couldn't sleep at night. He would sleep for less than 4 hrs and woke up feeling compressed. Thus he game with his friends to avoid thinking of the problem. I know he seek GOD too. I hope and pray that he will hear GOD.

Since GOD told me HE will provide and to cast all my worries to HIM, I shall try to wait upon  HIM joyfully. I spend my time doing housework, coaching my boy's study, watching youtube on makeup, blogging, listening to hill songs, listen to online sermon, and praying. I know HE will expand my bank account. I know HE will definitely bless both my hubby and myself with a career soon. Learn to wait joyfully is my task now.

Joyful LC

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Simple Natural Makeup Look

This is my simple makeup look whenever I'm out meeting friends :)
Personally I feel that putting a little bit of makeup while out with friends or family is a form of respect to them. I wouldn't want my loved ones to see my 'dead' look lolx! After all 'Ghost month' is still a month away! Haaaaa Gosh why am I degrading myself lolx!

Ok to achieve this look, what you need are:
1. Concealer
2. Powder foundation
3. Cream Blush
4. Eyebrow pencil
5. Eyeliner pencil (Black)
6. Eyeliner pencil (White)

Step 1
Always start of with a clean face and moisturise your face with moisturiser.
Gosh I feel so 'naked' without makeup! lolx! 

Step 2
Conceal your imperfection with concealer. For me are my dark eye circles and pimple scars :(

Hahaha!! I look so funny!
~Blend blend blend~ 
I use my ring finger to do the blending as our eyes areas are delicate. Ring finger is the weakest among our fingers hence won't exert too much strength on the delicate areas. You wouldn't want to develop winkles would you? keke

Step 3
Set your face with powder foundation. 
I skipped liquid foundation or BB cream. Apply liquid foundation or BB cream if your face is full of blemishes, or you are going to be out for the whole day, to have full coverage and for longer lasting. Apply the powder next.
Personally Tips: I love using BB powder foundation from Silky Girl as it gives a very good finishing. If you do not have super dark eye circle, the powder can actually covers it well :) Alternatively, you may also use BB cream instead of powder foundation to have longer lasting.

Step 4
Nobody eyebrow is perfect. Mine too. Hence fill in your brows with eyebrow pencil.
It is important to fill your brows as it frame your face. Fills with gentle stroke. The last thing you want is to look like 蜡笔小新 haaa
Are you talking about me? ooo~~



Can you spot the difference? The 2nd picture shows a more well definded eyebrows. 

Step 5
Apply black pencil eyeliner. I prefer pencil than liquid and gel liner while hanging out with friends as it is more natural looking.
Eyeliner makes your eyes look bigger!

Can you see the difference?

Step 6
Apply white eyeliner on your waterline to make your eyes pop. It gives an illusion of bigger eyes!

 Step 7
Apply cream blush on your cheeks for that healthy radiant glow!
Personal Tips: Cream blush creates an illusion of natural blushing cheeks compare to powder blush.

Step 8
Finally, apply lip balm or lipstick. I'm using my DIY lip balm (See my previous post for DIY lip balm).

Oooo I love the pink on my lips <3

Here is the final look. :)

And here is me and with my best friends :)

Good Luck

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

DIY Lip Balm (use broken lipstick)

How many ladies actually threw away their lipsticks when broken? I suppose 90% of us did. I admit I used to be one of the 90%. I used to throw away too though it was such a waste (hey good lipsticks are not cheap!). Ever since I discovered the magic of revive the lipstick, it is never wasted :)
It is very simple to do. Can be messy though kekeke...Here are the steps:-

Step 1
You will need
1. Broken lipstick
2. Vaseline aka Petroleum Jelly
3. Small empty container (I used old contact lens holder. You can make 2 lip balms with different colors!)
4. Stirrer (can also use toothpick)
5. Table spoon
6. Fire

Step 2:
Dig out the Vaseline with a stirrer or toothpick and put it into the container.
PS: Vaseline is optional. Personally I added Vaseline because Vaseline is very hydrating. This is very good for dry lips like mine. 

Step 3
Dig out all the broken lipstick with a stirrer or toothpick and place it on the spoon.

Step 4
Burn it with fire till it melt.
PS: Caution not to burn yourself!

Step 5
Pour the melted lipstick into the container that contained Vaseline.

Step 6
Here comes the fun part; STIR! Mix it well with the Vaseline.

Step 7
Final step! Place it in the freezer for about 20 mins. Yes freezer. The purpose of putting in the freezer is to solidify the lip balm.

Here is the final product. Isn't it beautiful? Lolx

No more wastage in future :) Have fun trying!
