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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Ask Seek Knock (I thought I always ASK?)

~Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth
- Matthew 7:7-8

Ask. Seek. Knock. Each of these verbs is dynamic, energetic. True prayer is not a lethargic experience; it is a vigorous participation in the plan of God. It is the soul's fervent endeavor toward the kingdom of God.

But each verb also connotes something else: neediness. One does not ask, if one does not need. One does not seek, if one has already found. One does not knock, if the door is standing open. Prayer is recognition that you need God.

The reason, therefore, that we have not prayed as we should is because we are either too spiritually lazy to labor in prayer, or we are too content to feel our need of God. Which are you?

Regardless, the good news is this: for those who awaken to their desperate condition and follow hard after God, God has promised universal acceptance and success. Everyone who asks will receive!

But perhaps you have not received. Perhaps you have not found. Perhaps you still stand at the closed door with bloody knuckles and a growing doubt in your mind. Why hasn't God answered? Why won't he turn the lock and swing open the door?

Do not give up, beloved. God always gives to everyone who asks -- he has given us his word. He will either give us what we have been begging for, or he will give something better.

No one will go away from the throne room disappointed, although you may have to linger there for a long time.~

This is one of my message from daily devotion today. Just as I was feeling depressed again, GOD reminded me to ASK HIM. "I thought I already ask you Father? I pray daily! I told you what I want daily. What do you mean by ask?" I asked GOD. "Ok I shall ASK again Father." I said to GOD. Getting into my praying motion, I started to pray telling GOD what I need and want. It was then something miraculously happened. Something struck on me that GOD is not telling me that I did not ask HIM. HE is telling me that no doubt my prayer have not been answered, HE has not forgotten me. HE is working in my life. GOD is never too late or too early. HE is on time. (see the above mentioned in bold) HE will DEFINITELY answer my prayer. GOD may not give me what I want but what HE gives is definitely BETTER than what I asked :)

Later today, the company that I went for interview last week called. The HR VP told me he already completed reference check with one of my ex-bosses (2 reference checks from 2 ex-bosses completed later) and he decided to offer me. Oh GOD I was so excited. However when I learnt the offer, I was disappointed and I rejected him. From Recruitment Manager role he offered me an Assistant Recruitment Manager (which I don't mind too) BUT BUT BUT salary is lower than my last drawn!! *Do Dong*.........................................

VP justified that he is not sure how good I am in handling the stakeholders and the rank and file staff though I came from MNC background. I was like duh...I reminded him that I did not come from MNC background from the start. I did local recruitment before I was given the opportunity to do regional recruitment. I started off recruiting rank and file staff before I moved to recruit 'atas' people. If I can handle stakeholders from the regions, I don't understand what made him thinks that I can't handle local stakeholders? 

He kept reasoning that he has to see my ability first. I had the strong urge to tell him,"Hello uncle! Imagine you are patronizing a restaurant and all your friends who patronized the restaurant before recommended you the restaurant's signature dishes. Because you have not tried before and yet you would like to try, you tell the waiter you will pay half the price of the food first and if the food is really as nice as what your friends said, then you will pay the balance half." *Do Dong!* The equation doesn't work this way loh. After ding dong from me to him and to me from him, finally he said he will speak to his boss, Senior HR VP, and will arrange an interview for me with his boss next week. 

*Big sigh* what a.....(Speechless). As a professional recruiter aka me (hohoho) I realized that if I ever join the company, I will have a hard time with the VP. I am such a small fly yet he has to consult his boss (Can't make decision). His recruitment idea is apparently OUTDATED! He doesn't even know the current HR trend..it is definitely going to be super duper challenging. I am not worried about the stakeholders but him! I wonder whether he could accept contemporary HR strategy. What shocked me (super SHOCK) was he asked for my transcript! He said transcript could tell a person's personality. *Do Dong!* Again, I reasoned with him. I gave him an example. I said,"my husband is academy smart. He never studied for his exams yet he could score A1. However I am the total opposite. I studied hard but will never score A1. A pass is consider good and whole family would celebrate. Are you saying I am inconsistent? I am incompetent? What do you think about people like my husband?" He was speechless. "Catchya!! neh net ni boo boo bleh!!~~"

Ahhh anyway I will email him my transcript and will meet his boss. I do not want to argue with him anymore. Seriously I am really affected by him but I know GOD will see me through. HE will give me the best. :) Stay hopeful!!


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