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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Garden of Eden

It was early this year when the idea of buying over my uncle's flower shop came to my mind. I was talking to my youngest aunt, who is helping my uncle in his flower shop, where this plan came to my mind. Eventually, it revolutionized to own a flower shop without taking over from my uncle. 

Initially, plan to set up business of my own was because I am jobless (yes I AM still jobless) and I thought about my mum and aunt. I thought If I could own a flower shop, I could let my aunt runs the business. She has the experience! As for my mum, I thought if one day she retired, she would have another option; ie to help out my business. Also for me, being an employee is always so insecure and unstable. The fact that I have been jobless for super long is an evidence of insecurity and instability. Hence it would be good to be my own boss :)

Well, it is just a dream. Dream is FREE! No harm dreaming right? lolx! Having this dream really push me to work harder to achieve that. I even had planned what I am going to do if this day ever come\(^0^)/. Things like business strategy, renovation, etc...Mr Ong was so supportive when I told him that. Since I had this dream, everyday I pray to GOD that if this is what HE wants me to do, HE will bless me with the finance to own it :)

Last week, I shared this dream with a sister in Christ. The first thing she said was,"How do you know this is not from GOD? Why would this vision of owning a flower shop came to your mind?" I was like.."ya hoh...I'm not a flower lover so I never thought of doing a flower business." But why was this thought suddenly popped in my mind? Not forgetting I do not have the capital to do business! However, she said, "If this is from GOD, HE will bless you. Don't worry about the finance and other stuff. Just focus on HIM." At that moment, I was so touched...

Ok, how does the Garden of Eden came into the picture? I was digesting what my dear sister had said to me when I suddenly had the urge to text her about the name of my future shop. Immediately she replied,"How about Garden of Eden?" I was like "Jesus I love this name!"

For Christian, Garden of Eden is not unfamiliar to us. In fact, this is GOD greatest creation! Ok to summarize: The Garden of Eden (Hebrew גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan Edhen), is the biblical "garden of GOD. 
See Genesis 2-3
The Genesis creation narrative opens with God creating the first human, whom he places in the divine garden "in Eden in the east". God tasks the man to tend the garden, but forbids him to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God then forms a woman from a rib of the man to be a companion to the man. The first man and woman break God's command and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, and God expels them from the garden to prevent them from eating of a second tree, theTree of Life, which would give them god-like immortality as well as god-like wisdom; a cherub and a flaming sword at the gate bars their return.
Because I love GOD, I would like to name my blessing after HIS creation as a constant reminder that I am who I am because of GOD. Hence Garden of Eden shall be the name of my future shop. <3 <3 <3
One day if this dream ever fulfill, I shall blog more about it. :)



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