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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Follow in Faith

Follow in Faith
by Joyce Meyer - posted August 08, 2012

I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].
—Genesis 12:2
Obedience to God's voice was not easy for me when He first called me to leave the security of my job and start my own ministry. But, the verse for today is one that God used to speak to me and encourage me in the plans He had for me. It's easy to read this verse and think, Yes! I want to be blessed. That sounds terrific! But, we must remember that God required a sacrifice of obedience from Abraham before that great promise was fulfilled.
Abraham had to leave everything comfortable and familiar to him and move toward an unknown destination. Many people would find that unnerving—but Abraham didn't. Hebrews 11:8 says, "[Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go."
When we obey God, we need to be like Abraham and not allow our minds to be troubled. When God speaks to us and leads us, we need to follow in faith, trusting and believing that He will bless our obedience and fulfill His promises to us.
God's word for you today: God is fulfilling His promises to you.
This is my another daily devotion for today (8 Aug) (I subscribed to 4 daily devotions keke). The company that I went for interview called me. HR VP offered me an Assistant Manager position but pay lower than my last drawn. Seriously I really don't feel peace accepting hence I rejected him. However, he wanted to arrange an interview with his boss who is the SVP. I knew the VP is sincere in getting me to join him hence he insisted of me meeting his boss. The arrangement was made to meet the SVP.

On the day of meeting the SVP (16 Aug), with GOD's grace, the meeting was smooth. She did not put me down or made the interview any tougher. When came to the offering part, again the offer remain. Somehow, I had the strength and confident to reject her! I said, "Thank you for the offer however I will not accept anything lower than my expectation. If you do not feel comfortable hiring me as Manager, I would suggest you drop me rather than go against your will, and hope and pray that I would meet your standard." SVP's eyes brighten and she said, "I like your confidence! You shall get what you wanted."

It was like "OMG!" I couldn't believe I got what I wanted! The best part was, during the interview with SVP till I made my stand clear, I had peace. Peace and confident were with me throughout my interview and I knew very well that these are from my beloved GOD! As I drew nearer to GOD, I feel HIS love for me stronger than ever. Though I know this role is definitely going to be very challenging, I know very very well that GOD will not place me there to die. HE will not place me in anything that I could not handle. I know very well too that HE will guide me to face my challenge. Isn't GOD great? 

Just like my daily devotion, GOD once again reminds me to be like Abraham. Abraham had to leave everything comfortable to move into an unknown destiny. See what GOD had blessed Abraham! Abraham's faith, patience, and obedience to GOD had led him to receive more blessing from Heavenly Father!

Oh my dear beloved Heavenly Father. Thank you for your constant reminder to me to be like Abraham. To have constant Faith, Patience, and Obedience to YOU. Following YOUR way definitely not easy but because of YOUR guidance, I shall have the POWER to overcome any obstacle in my life be it work, finance or marriage.  Thank you for YOUR unfailing love for me. I love you Father Lord. In Jesus's name, AMEN!


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