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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Reminder from God; Stronger by Faith

Stronger by Faith

by Joyce Meyer - posted August 22, 2012

The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. —Exodus 15:2
God does not want to just give you strength; He wants to be your strength. In 1 Samuel 15:29 God is referred to as the Strength of Israel. There was a time when Israel knew God was their strength. But when they forgot it, they always started to fail and their lives began to be filled with destruction.
How do you receive strength from God? By faith. Hebrews 11:11 says that by faith Sarah received strength to conceive a child when she was well past childbearing age. By faith you can receive strength to stay in a difficult marriage, raise a difficult child, or prosper in a difficult job. Start receiving God as your strength by faith. It will quicken your body as well as your spirit and soul.

Once again, GOD reminds me to have faith. Look at my daily devotion today (See the bold words with yellow highlight). These are the challenges I am facing and to be honest, I am DYING! My dear sis in Christ, Mrs Ho, said the reason why I felt drained was because I did not fully surrender and trust GOD. If I did, I would feel peace and none of the above mentioned would bothers me. Well, she is right again.

As you know, my marriage did not have foundation. Meaning we did not have proper courtship to get to know each other more before we got married. From the time we know each other till married, total duration was 6 months! To make this crazy decision to get married was because I was pregnant. Abortion was not on our list hence marriage was the only way to keep the baby. Since then, everyday is a battle. Yes the word is "IS". A battle to improve this marriage. Without GOD in my marriage, I would be dead by then. The number of heart broken and tears flowed *probably could cause a tsunami!*could drives a woman to commit suicide. Mental torture wasn't fun at all! Of course I am still well and alive but that is not because of my love for son or whatsoever. It is because of GOD. I believe GOD is working on my marriage and I just need to stay faithful to GOD. There are still things to be ironed out...I also realized that the more I am drawn to GOD, the more Mr Ong would "chu pattern" to shaken our marriage. Spiritual warfare is on now. It is the war that GOD took over from me now to fight for me. All I need to do is to pray and wait. Be a audience!

Raising a difficult child is no joke. It is mentally, physically and financially drained. Mini Ong is a ADHD kid. Being a ADHD kid, he has to go for Occupation Therapy where he is taught to control his hyper activeness. On top of that, his English language isn't good too and has been put to speech review. If the review turns out negative, he has to go for speech therapy too *BIG SIGH* What made the problem worst is that Mini Ong has flat footed. He has to put a special insole to help develop his arch to be of normal. That cost us SGD 91. Insole got to change every 6 - 12 mths as his feet develop. You see how these expenses burn a big hole in my pocket :( Because of these, our marriage affected too. Mr Ong was in denial stage saying all these therapies weren't necessary. However it is necessary! If we ignore, Mini Ong's future development will be dark....I just surrender my worries to GOD. I can't take it anymore. HE shall take over.

The job I am going to take is going to be difficult (See my previous blogs). If I said I am not worried I am lying. However GOD again and again reminds me not to be afraid as HE is with me. Because of his assurance, I felt better and peace slowly set in.

In conclusion, I need to remain cool and let GOD's peace fill me. Be FAITHFUL! 


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