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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Expecting something good?

It has been weeks since I didn't sleep well. What made the matter worst, I had nightmares almost every night. Finally yesterday, I managed to sleep soundly for 4 hours and had a sweet dream :)

I dreamt that I am holding a permanent job with a big company and was at China for business trip. In the dream, I got a cab from my hotel and travelled to my China office for meeting. It was a cold and quiet morning. Colleagues from China were friendly and we had great time together. Through one of the business contacts, I managed to secure a high flyer job for Mr Ong. Oh GOD what a sweet dream...It seemed so real too!

Back in reality, I am back to the jobless, miserable, and lifeless LC. Just before the day ended, I received a call from one of the big companies for the position of Recruitment Manager. GOD! I was so so excited! What shocked me was this company, though a local company, has been venture globally and they recently just ventured into China market! Was it coincident? Or was this a vision from GOD? I shall find out soon when I go for interview on Monday. 

Oh Father Lord, I pray for a smooth interview on Monday and favor from the interviewer. If this is YOUR plan for me, may the job scopes, salary and career prospect be attractive to me. If this is not for me, please close the door. Thank you so much for hearing my prayer and thank you for being my Father, my Jesus. In Jesus's name I pray, AMEN!

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