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Saturday, 28 July 2012

What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?

by Joyce Meyer - posted July 28, 2012

The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him. —Lamentations 3:25
After we pray and ask God for what we want, need, or desire, we should wait expectantly. We must be full of hope, which is joyful and confident expectation of something good happening. After years of being disappointed in my childhood and early adult years, I developed what the Bible calls evil forebodings (see Proverbs 15:15). That means I was expecting bad news most of the time.
I believe many people are caught in the trap of being afraid to expect something good because they do not want to be disappointed again. God wants everyone to aggressively expect good things from Him because He is good.
Don’t be passive either. A passive person is someone who wants good things to happen and they are going to do nothing but wait to see what happens. Although the verse for today does tell us to wait, it says to wait expectantly. I like to confess Scriptures aloud while I am waiting on God to work in my behalf. They remind me of His promises, and they keep me encouraged. God’s Word is filled with creative power and, when spoken in faith, it is equal to sowing seed that will bring a harvest.
If you have prayed and find yourself waiting longer than you had planned for an answer, thank God that He is working when you are tempted to be impatient. Tell God what you are expecting and look forward to your breakthrough. Don’t fall into the trap of complaining and murmuring while you wait either. Be joyfully confident that your answer is on the way.
God’s word for you today: Don’t get discouraged. God is working and you will see the results soon.

OMG! The above mentioned is my daily devotion today. I just blogged about expecting something good yesterday and today GOD spoke to me about what am I expecting. Isn't GOD wonderful? :)

Over the years, the only concerning things in my life are marriage and career. For those who know me, my marriage has been like a roller coaster ride. Never loving never smooth. I suppose if I had heart attack I would have passed away! lolx! However GOD always told me to hang on. Doing something right when you don't feel like it, you are growing, HE said. Because I love GOD and fear HIM, I obey despite many times I really feel like running away from this marriage.

Career is another headache issue. Never smooth. Along the way as I am looking for permanent job, I do get people discouraging me and degrading me. "Who do they think they are? Leader of the world or GOD?" I thought in my heart. Nevertheless, GOD told me this, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me, says the LORD." Isaiah 54:17 Because of what GOD told me, again I press on.

When I read my daily devotion today, I am so so touched. GOD told me not to be discourage. GOD is working and I will see the results soon. I can't wait to see it. Thank you GOD for being my GOD :) Amen!



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