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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Monday, 23 July 2012

6 months spent with GOD is even more than 10 years as 'Christian"

Recent revelation; I realized that my 6 months spending with God is even more than my 10 years as a Christian. 

I began to believe in Christ in 1999 after constant unpleasant spiritual encounter since the age of 11. I used to be Buddhism and later shifted to Hinduism by the influence of my uncle. All these belief did not cause the spiritual encounter to stop. I was very fearful not knowing when 'it' will attack me again. 'It' came on one night..something invincible was strangling me! 'It' stopped when I cried to Jesus to save me. I shouted "Jesus save me!" 3 times. 'It' stopped by the third calling and since then, 'It' never came back. Thank God! My aunt, who is a fervent Christian and had same experience as me thought me to call GOD for help. Out of desperate, I called on Jesus to help me.

Since then, I began to get to know who is Jesus and who is GOD. I was baptize in 2004. Even then, I admit I wasn't very faithful. Yes I went to church every Sunday but most of the time my mind was drifting away from GOD especially if the preacher is a boring speaker. I did not feel GOD's presence strongly too. I can't even speak in tongue despite praying for it.  Yes till now I still can't. Well I no longer feel sad about it for GOD said we are all gifted differently :)

When my friends told me they were slain in the spirit, I often wonder what was the feeling like...how was it feel to receive healing. And when my friends shared how GOD bless them, I wondered how did it feel to be blessed by GOD. I could see the joy and glow in them when they shared. GOD I wish I could share too.

I have been jobless for 6 months. Since then I began to spend more time with GOD every morning and even any time during the day. This is where miracle set in..I began to hear HIM more! GOD talks to me through daily devotion and as well as through my friends. I can't explain how the miracle works but you just know it is from GOD and not imagining. I have been praying for permanent career for both myself and my hubby. GOD's reply to me is "Wait patiently with joy". To be honest it is hard to wait patiently with joy especially my bank is drying...I really don't know how it is going to last any longer. Monthly expenses are not little too. My hubby is so stressed up that he couldn't sleep at night. He would sleep for less than 4 hrs and woke up feeling compressed. Thus he game with his friends to avoid thinking of the problem. I know he seek GOD too. I hope and pray that he will hear GOD.

Since GOD told me HE will provide and to cast all my worries to HIM, I shall try to wait upon  HIM joyfully. I spend my time doing housework, coaching my boy's study, watching youtube on makeup, blogging, listening to hill songs, listen to online sermon, and praying. I know HE will expand my bank account. I know HE will definitely bless both my hubby and myself with a career soon. Learn to wait joyfully is my task now.

Joyful LC

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