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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

I'm going to Hongkong!!

Finally after a long planning and headache, I'm going to Hongkong on 6th Dec to 11th Dec :) This is my first trip with my husband and son. Oh man it is going to be interesting! I pray hard that GOD will bless us with unforgettable experience. Good experience.

I will be staying at Mira Hotel http://www.themirahotel.com/en/rooms.aspx

Oh man I heard the reviews are good and it is a 5 stars hotel! Look at the rooms. All of the rooms are so beautiful. Most importantly the hotel is located at 118 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Hong Kong. The location is very convenient to shopping areas too. The thought of shopping, eating, relaxing and playing really excite me! Am super looking forward to my trip.

Oh! The temperaturewill be very cooling as well...The temperature can start from under 10oC / 50oF to around 17oC / 62oF, warm clothing is required.

Shall blog about HongKong when I'm back :)


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I am the "Prodigal daughter"

As a Chritstian, I believe "The Parable of the Lost Son" is not unfamiliar to the believer.

Luke 15:11-32

The Parable of the Lost Son
 11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
   13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
   17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.
   “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
   21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
   22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
   25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’
   28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’
   31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”
I felt like I am the Prodigal son who was lost and is found. I have been a Christian since 1999 and was baptized in 2004. However I was never a staunch Christian. I did go to church every Sunday but didn't really feel a sense of belonging. I felt it was my responsibility to go because I am a Christian, not because I felt GOD's presence and enjoyed going. Soon, I became a 'part-time' Christian; meaning I did not attend service every Sunday. Very soon, I stopped attending church completely.

During these 'non attending church' period, I admit I was suffering. No support...spiritually. However not once God ever leave me. HE does answered my prayers though not all. When HE did not answer my prayer, it means it is not for me according to HIS plan.

I was sort of searching for my 'correct' church during these years. I went to other churches as well but I still did not feel a sense of belonging. To be honest, I did not know what I was searching for. Maybe I just want to feel a sense of belonging?

I managed to find a church that is very near my house, less than 10 minutes walk. However the teaching is about Book of Mormon which I do not agree with their teaching. On the day itself, I suddenly had a thought of texting my pastor from previous church. I knew she might not be in town as she is very active in Cambodia work. To my surprise, she replied. She was back on that afternoon. I think it is GOD's indication. Thing just come so smoothly.

I returned back to the church on the following Sunday. The feeling was like returning home after away for many years. This time, by GOD's grace, my hubby followed me. Though he went clubbing till 6.30am, he still went to church with me at 11am and was paying attention to the service throughout.

Prayfully he will go to church with me every Sunday. GOD is indeed great :)


Friday, 28 October 2011

ANGRY!!! One incident after another WTF!

Incident 1

As usual, I religiously exercise using Air Climber daily for 30mins since 18 Oct. I badly need to get in shape before my Dinner and Dance which is on 18 Nov. However yesterday as I was exercising, my Air Climber deflated! No matter how I inflated the air in the climber, the moment I stepped onto the climber, it deflated again! How the Air Climber works is based on 'stepping on the air' concept. Now that the climber is deflated. How to step? The digital display isn't working as well! The digital display suppose to keep track of number of steps and calories bunt. How am I suppose to keep track now?

I called the customer service officer this morning. I was pretty pissed with the way she handled. The customer service lady told me they will send a technician to service the climber within 7 working days. When I asked whether they can expedite, the customer service lady said the company only have ONE technician hence the delay. ???? ONE technician only?? What kind of company is that? What if this one and only technician is on long leave? Who is going to handle customers' problems during his absence?? This is not the worst. What worst is that they will only replace a new one for me if the technician can't fix the problem. So I questioned her if the technician can't fix the problem, don't tell me I am going to wait for another 7 working days to get my replacement??!!

She said the replace climber will take less than 7 days. Still this is not acceptable! Luckily, she called me shortly after I hung up the phone, to inform me that they will replace a new climber for me. However it will be next Saturday instead of tomorrow. Delivery man is packed with delivery they said. Seriously I could have 'killed' them. I got to wait for another week before I could start my exercise. How to lose weight? I have to think of what other exercise I can do while waiting for the replacement. *BIG SIGH* well at least they tried their best to settle my problem. I just hope and pray that the replaced climber is not faulty sigh..

Incident 2

Mr Ong called me while I was on my way to work to tell me he had misplaced the house key. He searched everywhere (ps: my house is fucking messy now) but could not find it. He has 2 sets of house keys. He misplaced once that's why we duplicated another set. The duplicated set is suppose to leave it hanging beside the door for emergency purpose like this. However, Mr Ong has been conveniently took the key meant for emergency use and NOT putting it back to where it hung. Despite me reminding him again and again, he just refused to do so, happily left his keys anywhere without bother to remember where he placed. NOTE: Mr Ong is a VERY forgettful person. * Poor Mr Ong got Senile dementia at such a young age tsk tsk tsk* *Yes yes yes I know I am mean but I am still ANGRY* I knew if he continue to be irresponsible, history will repeat. I was fucking right! His inconsiderate and irresponsible act had landed me into serious trouble.

I had an important meeting at 9am but because he was locked in the house, I had to rush back home to open and lock the doors for him. Instead of feeling sorry and grateful that I rushed back, he scolded me the moment I reached home. He said I should not lock the doors and I should have checked whether the spare key was hanging there before I left the house. What the fuck is this??! As a Chinese saying 恶人先告状. This describe him the best! If he had listened to me in the first place by not touching the spare key and constantly leave his key where it belong, this would not had happened! 2nd time already yet he does not learn the lesson. Such an irresponsible guy to have the gut to accuse me. GOD I was and still am super mad at him. I never see such a guy in my life. Knowing that I had to rush back to office for important meeting, he didn't even offer to pay for my taxi fare! What a 'gentleman'. Ladies out there if you think he is handsome and nice by all mean have him! He should be grateful that I always clear his "shits" and no always think that he doesn't love me so can bully me at times. No point make myself  so lousy. I am so sick and tired of being taken for granted. Gosh I am still boiling with anger! 我不是好欺负的!


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Air Climber is Awesome!!

Air Climber is really awesome! It finally delivered on Saturday afternoon and I only started using the Air Climber yesterday as I was down with fever. It came with VCD exercise instruction and diet Manuel to follow. I don't think I will follow the diet programme as the food is cater to Westerner. Quite tough to follow for Asian lolx however I'll definitely follow the exercise programme daily. I give myself 10 days to see the result kekeke oh man I am so so excited!

It was pretty tiring after the work up. The programme is great as it works on all parts of the body. At the end of 30 mins, I was already drenched with sweat kekeke and it felt so good after the work up. I'll definitely continue to exercise tonight and looking forward to see my achievement in 10 days time yeah!!

Of course drinking plenty of water is a MUST. Looking good is great but staying healthy is important and I want to achieve both :) :)

Shall blog again on my achievement in 10 days time.

Stay tune!


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Air Climber!!

Finally finally finally! My long awaited Air Climber is on the way! Fastest would be this coming Saturday :) Ta la~~~~!!!

By right I should be ordering earlier as Mr Ong said he wanted to buy for me. Unfortunately ever since I told him I really really want to have it, quarrels set in...*SIGH* Whenever I asked him for SGD 178 to purchase Air Climber, we would quarreled (Don't wish to go in detail to spoil my mood).  Enough is enough!! Rather than "begging" others to buy for me, I might as well purchase myself hump! *lim bu wu backbone ok! NB! SGD 178 I don't have meh?!*

Anyway since I'm working from home today I thought why not I call the hotline to purchase? The transaction took less than 5 mins and I had placed my order! The customer service lady said fastest would be this coming Saturday if not would be next Saturday. Whichever the date the deliver guy will call me a day before the delivery. Ooooo am so so super excited. Finally I'm able to exercise at home hei hei hei..

Ever since I put on 10kg (yes 10kg! scary right? *shaking head*) This is how I look when I was 10kg lighter. Now..*BIG SIGH* Better not showing ha

 I've been very depressed. I tried to do some exercise near my place but the rainy days always spoilt my plan. I also tried to cut down on dinner but my weight still 10kg heavier than before. Losing weight really requires determination. Action speak louder than words. I really must action instead of dreaming my figure back to 10kg lesser. I'm glad I finally did it! Woo woo~~Hopefully after using the machine, I will regain my figure again and become pretty woman!

~Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman~

Shall blog on how the machine works for me. Stay tune!


Sunday, 9 October 2011

Heart Shape Diamond Ring

This diamond ring is very beautiful right? I chanced upon a heart shape diamond ring (Similiar design to the above picture. Note: The diamond ring above is from Cartier and is super ex ooooo~~) when I was shopping at Tampines Mall today. Guess what? It cost SGD 783! I was so tempted to buy man!

I never have a diamond ring before and always want to have it. What to do?...Diamond is girl's best friend! LOLX! Naturally I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I have a strong urge to have it but somehow I dare not take the risk.

I'm going to be jobless in 2 months time and by right I should save as much as I can instead of spending on the "want". However by left, I never really have something I love. I have been working, spending and saving non stop for family. It is all about family but what about me? I need something to motivate me to work harder and to reward myself right? *Super BIG SIGH*

All the women I knew have a proposal diamond ring. I don't have...who to blame but myself..SIGH SIGH married a man who doesn't love me so I never have someone proposed to me let along putting on a diamond ring on my finger *damn moody ahhhh!!! WTF!!*

~I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you.~

 I always fantasize one day my prince charming would come to rescue me from 'hell' and propose to me with a 1 carat diamond ring! Oh man so romantic~~~ I wonder what is the feeling of being proposed...*melting..drooling...*

*wake up LC wake up! slap slap slap* ok ok back to reality. Since dont have, I might as well rely on myself right. So am going to buy one for myself to reward ALL my hard works for the past miserable 5 years *lao mao sai (tearing)* But but but...don't know when..maybe when I won lottery muhahahaha Diamond ring here I come haa haa haa~~ ok ok I will remember to buy lottery ha~

Actually there is one ring I always wanted to have but 1 carat is super ex loh...ta la~~!! Brilliant Rose!!

~ooooooo~ am melting again..isn't brilliant rose beautiful? woooo~~I'll definitely going to have it when I have the money muhahaha~

Till then, I shall continue see the ring behind the glass...wait for me ok wait for me. I'll be back!

~This diamond ring can mean something beautiful
And this diamond ring can mean dreams that are coming true~

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

If only I can perfect myself further...

"You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it will never work
You had me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over"
By Sean Kingston

Even the song is about "Beautiful Girl"...where are songs about beautiful not girl? Yes we are all hypocrite (Pls don't tell me things like "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" la, you are so shallow...la la la...SEARCH your heart before you dare to say you like unattractive thing!) We are created to like beautiful thing be it human or object. Before you make friend with someone, what is the thing that attracts you first before you decided on the next move? APPEARANCE! If that person doesn't appeal to you, would you take the first step to just say, "Hi!"? Guys......would you huh huh??

Yes nobody is perfect I know I know...Only GOD is perfect. However we have the right to perfect ourselves in our own view and GOD has created something even greatest to help us achieve our desire...Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery! YES!!

Everyday I asked myself these questions;

1. Why is my nose not straight?

2. Why no matter how hard I exercise, my tummy is still bulging? (It got worst after I gave birth..How I wish the fats would migrate to my breats instead... *~crying~*)

3. Why I have fatty thighs and the fats seem to be happily staying there refusing to leave no matter how many times of legs raise exercise I do daily?

4. Why is my arms so flabby that I think I can fly! ~~Ay, Ay, Ay, I'm your little butterfly~~

5. Why all my teeth is straight execpt one below that is protruding! *So ugly* :(

6. How to get rid of fine lines around my eyes areas? Why the eye cream doesn't seem to work?

7.  "Why...why...why..."

All my friends would tell me, "Come on! You are already beautiful, no need to do anything." "You should love yourself." or "Love yourself"...... You mean I don't love myself just because I want to perfect it more? You mean I don't appreciate GOD who created me or rather not happy with my parents' creation?? Please la!!~~ Seriously I'll never understand this point...well I don't care anyway ha :p

If everyone is so happy with herself / himself, why is comestic products so in demand? Why is Plastic and Comestic Surgeon so popular and expensive? Why is slimming centres, gyms, facial centres located EVEYRWHERE island wide? They are NOT cheap ok...

I am just stating the fact :p ho ho ho I am bad haa~

Well, it is not a major overhaul I want to do...just touch up a bit to be even more beautiful! Only if I have the money to do all these. I think to get rid of the excess fats from my tummy, arms and thighs, straightening my nose, and align my teeth, would cost a bomb!

"Money Money Money
it's so funny
it's rich men's world"

Where do I get the money?
Unless I won toto (but I didn't buy leh) or marry a rich man (but I already married leh) or rather some kind soul sponsor me (where to find such a kind soul?), I'll just continue to dream then...


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Rationale? I disgree!

Imagine this scenario: You managed to squeeze out of the crowded MRT carrying a heavy business bag, trying to move your way out among the crowd, and while you finally reach the exit of the MRT station, you realised that it was pouring! Never mind, you took out your umbrella (do note that you are still carrying your heavy business bag) while making your way to the exit. From the end of the MRT Station Control to the exit you need to take the escalator up. It is about a storey high but alas! The escalator wasn't moving!! There was a signage in front of the escalator. It said,"The escalator is not operating due to rain." WTF!!!!! It wasn't moving not because the rain had spoilt it but because it was switched off. ~crying without tears~ WTF!!!!!

Well this is what happened to me everytime when it rain. I am working at Tanjong Pagar where I need to take train to work everyday. For those who take train to work you know how terrible the human traffic is during peak hour. The situation is worst when it is raining! You can imagine the number of people crowding at the Station Control... This is not the worst. The worst is you got to take the stairs up! Familiar??

Young people like me it is ok to take the stairs up. Though I do grumble (f**k la $#@), I take it as morning exercise. But what about those pregnant women and elderly? The floor is already slippery due to the rain and yet got to take stairs up (about 1 level) is really challenging to them loh. Not forgetting the human crowd adding pressure too. Mind you the crowd at Tanjong Pagar is really terrible...try put a food on the floor (Outside your house plsssss). What will you see shortly? Mountain of ants right? Well this is how it looks like in the MRT station during peak hour! Everyday without fail I got to wait for at least 3 trains to pass before I could manage to squeeze in one.

I gathered the rationale of not operating the escalator is because people tend to crowd around the exit area during raining day which is near the escalator. Very accident prone. What if some people accidentally step onto the escalator and fell backward? Dangerous...However my rationale is, what about those who can't take the stairs? Some got joint problem right? There isn't any lift at that entrance too. I suppose something must be done to resolve this issue. You can't be off the escalator whenever it rain. Make sense?

Perhaps extend the shelter so that people do not crowd within the small area at the exit place. Or get the MRT staff to stand beside the escalator to monitor the situation. You know what I mean? Do something! It is really annoying whenever I face this situation especially I already so tired rushing to work.

My rationale is, escalator is supposed to convenient us not inconvenient us. Agree?


Monday, 3 October 2011

How do you feel when you cane your kid? Terrible!

Canning kids is a No No such thingy in Western world. Love education is what they stressed. However in Eastern world, especially Chinese, canning as a form of disclipine is very very common. Parents today especially young parents, hardly cane their kids. Most adopted "love education" or combine of Love & Canning.

I tried to use both. Till now I have yet to master a discipline method that suits my Mini Ong aka my son.

Take 1
Take 2
Take 3

Take 4 (Kiss)
Isn't he adorable? Isn't every mother is proud of her kid? I am! Because I love him more than myself, it hurts me the most when I have to cane him.

For the past one month, Mini Ong has been giving problem every morning. He refused to go to school giving me excuses like, he wants to sleep, he is tired, he does't want to go to school etc. He has been going to this new school since March 2011 and everything was fine until Sept. I was late for work practically everyday! This morning was the worst. He even refused to put on uniform, sitting on the floor crying. You can imagine next..he cried all the way to school...*BIG SIGH*

In the end, we got no choice but to cane him. Only then he reluctantly got ready for school. The whole episode took almost 30mins!

I wanted to hug him to give him comfort when he was crying but at that point of time, I was too mad to do so. I wasn't even wanted to talk to him on the way to school. This is the first time I was so mad at someone that my chest was hurting. I suppose the pain is a combination of anger and heartache.

I don't think any parents in the right state of mind would enjoy canning their kids. You can imagine how terrible I felt till now.

As I am blogging, my mind is thinking how to talk to him tonight so that this drama will not repeat tomorrow (Oh GOD tomorrow I have a conference call at 9am which mean he has to leave home even earlier with me). I am also thinking how to educating him so that he feels love by us at the same time knows the limit. I am even thinking where to bring him this coming weekends to enjoy.

Gosh it is really not easy to be parents especially working mother. Imagine my routine daily; woke up 7am (max to laze on bed), prepare to go to work, prepare milk for Mini Ong so that he drinks while I am dressing, prepare Mini Ong for school, leave home at 7.30am, send Mini Ong to school, goes to work, off work, goes to Parents' place to pick Mini Ong, shower him, do some housework, read or practice writing with Mini Ong, surf a bit of net, and sleep. Can you imagine how tight and tedious my schedule is from Monday to Friday?

Saturday would be family's day and Sunday is housework day where Mr Ong and I have to clean the whole house.

I wonder how those working mothers (without maid) survive..to me, I have reached a limit. I suppose if I don't figure out how to relax while doing all these, I will go crazy soon. Who knows the next mother who commit suicide with her son is me? *Touch Wood!*

Till then, I just hope I can keep cool and minimise canning Mini Ong.

Love you always <3


Sunday, 2 October 2011

Taste bud unsatistified

Saturday was a great day for me as it was family day. Normally we (with Mr Ong aka my hubby) will plan a programme for Mini Ong. We believe that Mini Ong deserve to enjoy his weekends after a long weekdays of studying.

It was my uncle's birthday and he had checked in Siloso Beach Resort to relax. He wanted our family to have fun hence my mummy suggested she would bring Mini Ong along. We were of course happy to let her bring Mini Ong (We couldn't decide whether to go with them initially). Later in the evening, we decided to go to Siloso Beach Resort to look for them.

As it was a last min decision, it was dinner time when we reached Sentosa. Mr Ong and I went for dinner while the rest of my family member went for a walk along the island. We didn't know what to have for dinner and we also didn't want to spend too much money on food too. After looking around, we decided to have Asian food instead so we went to the restaurant specially for Asian Food. It was a wrong decision man..

*Disclaimer: My personal view does not represent everyone's view*

We ordered, 2 cokes, Ice Kachang, Chicken Briyani, Beef Rendang, 6 pieces fried chicken, and Wasabi Mayonnaise Shrimps. Very basic authentic Asian food you can find any part of Singapore. We thought having it in a restaurant at Sentosa the food would be much tastier than outside foodcourt or hawker center. We were so so wrong. Not only the serving were small, the waiting time was long and the food were super oily! Oh man...

Smile (this was taken while waiting for the food to be served) Look how happy I was (not knowing the worst is coming (-_-)). I was damn hungry loh..

Contestant number 1:- Ice Kachang!

Not bad though the Ice Kachang selling at the foodcourt near my house is better loh. There was a weird bitter taste which I couldn't tell the taste. Rating: 5 stars being the best and 1 star being the worst.
Appearance: 4
Taste: 3

Contestant 2: Wasabi Mayonnaise Shrimps

The shrimps were super small! It was coated with flour and deep fried it. Why Wasabi Mayonnaise? Because the sauce was a mixtual of mayonnaise and wasabi. It was oily but the shrimps were really fresh. It could have been good if the floor itself is not ordinary..there was not special ingredient..
Appearance: 2
Taste: 3

Contestant number 3: 6 pieces fried chicken

The 6 pieces fried chicken tasted not bad but when you see the oil stain on the plate. It kind of turn off. I know fried stuff is suppose to be oily. My rationale is, the cook should have let the oil drip off and wipe it with absorbent kitchen paper to clear excess oil before served.
Appearance: 3
Taste: 3

Contestant Number 4: Chicken Briyani

The Chicken Briyani could have been rated higher if the portion is bigger and less oily. Guys don't "kill me". I know Briyani is SUPPOSE to be oily but seriously this is way too oily! I should have taken the photo of before and after then you know what I meant. The fragrance of the rice is also not strong. As for the chicken, I was disappointed that they only serve chicken tigh. I know I know tigh is more costly than other part of the chicken but I love breast meat! I believe there are people out there who prefer breast meat too right. The restaurant should let customer have the option. When I asked the waiter whether the tigh can be changed to breast meat, he told me not possible as the Briyani was already cooked before hand. *Cook before hand? Isn't it should be cooked upon order?* ?????
Appearance: 3
Taste: 3.5

Our last but not least Contestant...

Contestant Number 5: Beef Rendang

Beef Rendang was perhaps the most disappointing dish. It was very very dried. There were no gravy on it. Just dried Beef Rendang. Those who love Redang would love it with more gravy and yellow rice. This Beef Rendang was served with white rice. The portion was also small. It was enough for ladies but not for men unless the man is a small eater. As Mr Ong dig the rice, what we saw was oil! The rice below was coated with red oil..It was so oily that I don't think anyone would want to eat that. Again, I should have taken the before and after photo. Pardon me ok as this is the first time I blog about food *paiseh*
Appearance: 3
Taste: 2

Overall we will not patronize the restaurant again. We would rather go dine at Mcdonalds which is commonly found island wide than eat there.

Well, there are my personal views. It does not mean everyone dislike it. I am not a food blogger or someone very good with food but I do love to share what I experience. It will be up to the rest to decide.

It's time to sleep. Ciao!

Good Luck

Saturday, 1 October 2011

~La la la la la la It's a happy song~

~La la la la la la sing a happy song~ such a familiar song! Those of you who were born in the 80s and below should be very familiar with the cartoon. I remember when I was a kid, I used to watch the cartoon together with my little brother every sunday morning at 9am. No matter how tired we were, we would force ourselves to wake up and watch it.:) :)



Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Smurfs

Papa Smurf is the leader of the community. Other Smurfs are generally named after their personality disposition, for example, Brainy, Greedy, Vanity, Lazy, Clumsy, Hefty, Jokey, Dreamy, Grouchy, or their profession, for example, Poet, Actor, Handy, Harmony, Farmer, Clockwork, Painter, Tailor, Miner, Architect, Reporter, Timber, Barber and Doctor Smurf. Other Smurf characters include Gutsy Smurf and Smurfette. Smurfette was created by Gargamel to lure the other smurfs. Papa Smurf then changed her into what we see today. The non-Smurf characters who would appear later would include the evil Gargamel, his cat Azrael, and the page Johan, who went from print to film and TV. Johan appeared on the Smurfs TV series in the 1980s, and on the same show, Peewit became Peewee, Johan's young friend. Lord Balthazar is Gargamel's godfather. Balthazar despises the Smurfs and is actually more cold-hearted than Gargamel, in addition to being a more powerful sorcerer. He lives in a large castle whose moat houses a fearsome dragon called a Moat Monster.

I remeber it was so popular during the 80s that even my birthday present was 2 smurfs soft toys! I had it on my 5 year old birthday. I am proud to say after 26 years, it is still in very good condition. :) :)

Lately, the Smurf is being re-introduce to us especially to the generation after the 80s who may not know what is Smurf, as movie. It was a family comedy 3D movie. The review was really good and all my friends who had watched with their kids love it! It was all over the facebook status *wow*

I thought it is a good chance to introduce Smurf, my childhood favourite cartoon, to my son, Mini Ong. So we actually watched together yesterday. Mini Ong was facinated initially. Not by the Smurfs but by the waterfall and explosion! The questions he asked were, "What happened to the cat after it fell into the water?" "What happened to the thing? Exploded!" The most funny question was, "Why is the Santa Claus (Papa Smurf he meant) blue colour!" See how kid relates thing LOLX!

Mini Ong even commented that the Smurfs were very noisy (when they sing). "So noisy" he said. Confirm. Double Confirm! Mini Ong doesn't like Smurfs. He still pefers his Barney kekeke

Well, at least I had done my part to introduce Smurf to him. He would not feel left out if his friends are talking about Smurfs. At least he can comment, "So noisy!" kekekeke

I must say it really brings back fond childhood memories :)

Good Luck

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I need a break freaking bad!!!!!! Oh man I am so so tired... my friends around me are taking leave to go for short holiday. What the hell am I doing here??? I am planning to take 2 days leave in Oct so that I can go for a short 4D3N trip from 22 Oct to 25 Oct. However, nobody can go with me :( I am so f***king moody.

No no no..I must get out of here before I go crazy. I am reaching my limit le. I need a break. Break from work and family..only fun fun fun!!!

Oh God pls tell me what to do..How do I take a break in peace where everything is taken care of? Pls tell me how how how :(

Moody + Emo

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

My blog is up!!

Yeah my own blog is finally up! *happy happy* :)

Well I never thought of having a blog initially..but don't know why I had a strong urge to create one. Maybe I need a channel to vent my frustration or channel to share my feeling be it happy or sad. Yes we do need to voice out be it vocal or writing. It is so unhealthy to keep the junk in your heart. How big is our heart only right? Haa

Ok you must be wondering why the name of the blog is Little Chocolate. Well it is a nick given by my ex bf 10 years ago. I have never been "snow white" in my life..yes I am tanned. I was born with darker complexion compare to Chinese you see in the street. My ex said I'm a sweet girl (thick skin) thus name me 小巧克力 which is Little Chocolate when you literately translated from Chinese to English. Well I think it's cute keke 

Ok blog more when i'm free. Now in crowded train darn hard to blog!

Good luck