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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Rationale? I disgree!

Imagine this scenario: You managed to squeeze out of the crowded MRT carrying a heavy business bag, trying to move your way out among the crowd, and while you finally reach the exit of the MRT station, you realised that it was pouring! Never mind, you took out your umbrella (do note that you are still carrying your heavy business bag) while making your way to the exit. From the end of the MRT Station Control to the exit you need to take the escalator up. It is about a storey high but alas! The escalator wasn't moving!! There was a signage in front of the escalator. It said,"The escalator is not operating due to rain." WTF!!!!! It wasn't moving not because the rain had spoilt it but because it was switched off. ~crying without tears~ WTF!!!!!

Well this is what happened to me everytime when it rain. I am working at Tanjong Pagar where I need to take train to work everyday. For those who take train to work you know how terrible the human traffic is during peak hour. The situation is worst when it is raining! You can imagine the number of people crowding at the Station Control... This is not the worst. The worst is you got to take the stairs up! Familiar??

Young people like me it is ok to take the stairs up. Though I do grumble (f**k la $#@), I take it as morning exercise. But what about those pregnant women and elderly? The floor is already slippery due to the rain and yet got to take stairs up (about 1 level) is really challenging to them loh. Not forgetting the human crowd adding pressure too. Mind you the crowd at Tanjong Pagar is really terrible...try put a food on the floor (Outside your house plsssss). What will you see shortly? Mountain of ants right? Well this is how it looks like in the MRT station during peak hour! Everyday without fail I got to wait for at least 3 trains to pass before I could manage to squeeze in one.

I gathered the rationale of not operating the escalator is because people tend to crowd around the exit area during raining day which is near the escalator. Very accident prone. What if some people accidentally step onto the escalator and fell backward? Dangerous...However my rationale is, what about those who can't take the stairs? Some got joint problem right? There isn't any lift at that entrance too. I suppose something must be done to resolve this issue. You can't be off the escalator whenever it rain. Make sense?

Perhaps extend the shelter so that people do not crowd within the small area at the exit place. Or get the MRT staff to stand beside the escalator to monitor the situation. You know what I mean? Do something! It is really annoying whenever I face this situation especially I already so tired rushing to work.

My rationale is, escalator is supposed to convenient us not inconvenient us. Agree?


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