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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

If only I can perfect myself further...

"You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it will never work
You had me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over"
By Sean Kingston

Even the song is about "Beautiful Girl"...where are songs about beautiful not girl? Yes we are all hypocrite (Pls don't tell me things like "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" la, you are so shallow...la la la...SEARCH your heart before you dare to say you like unattractive thing!) We are created to like beautiful thing be it human or object. Before you make friend with someone, what is the thing that attracts you first before you decided on the next move? APPEARANCE! If that person doesn't appeal to you, would you take the first step to just say, "Hi!"? Guys......would you huh huh??

Yes nobody is perfect I know I know...Only GOD is perfect. However we have the right to perfect ourselves in our own view and GOD has created something even greatest to help us achieve our desire...Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery! YES!!

Everyday I asked myself these questions;

1. Why is my nose not straight?

2. Why no matter how hard I exercise, my tummy is still bulging? (It got worst after I gave birth..How I wish the fats would migrate to my breats instead... *~crying~*)

3. Why I have fatty thighs and the fats seem to be happily staying there refusing to leave no matter how many times of legs raise exercise I do daily?

4. Why is my arms so flabby that I think I can fly! ~~Ay, Ay, Ay, I'm your little butterfly~~

5. Why all my teeth is straight execpt one below that is protruding! *So ugly* :(

6. How to get rid of fine lines around my eyes areas? Why the eye cream doesn't seem to work?

7.  "Why...why...why..."

All my friends would tell me, "Come on! You are already beautiful, no need to do anything." "You should love yourself." or "Love yourself"...... You mean I don't love myself just because I want to perfect it more? You mean I don't appreciate GOD who created me or rather not happy with my parents' creation?? Please la!!~~ Seriously I'll never understand this point...well I don't care anyway ha :p

If everyone is so happy with herself / himself, why is comestic products so in demand? Why is Plastic and Comestic Surgeon so popular and expensive? Why is slimming centres, gyms, facial centres located EVEYRWHERE island wide? They are NOT cheap ok...

I am just stating the fact :p ho ho ho I am bad haa~

Well, it is not a major overhaul I want to do...just touch up a bit to be even more beautiful! Only if I have the money to do all these. I think to get rid of the excess fats from my tummy, arms and thighs, straightening my nose, and align my teeth, would cost a bomb!

"Money Money Money
it's so funny
it's rich men's world"

Where do I get the money?
Unless I won toto (but I didn't buy leh) or marry a rich man (but I already married leh) or rather some kind soul sponsor me (where to find such a kind soul?), I'll just continue to dream then...


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