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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Air Climber!!

Finally finally finally! My long awaited Air Climber is on the way! Fastest would be this coming Saturday :) Ta la~~~~!!!

By right I should be ordering earlier as Mr Ong said he wanted to buy for me. Unfortunately ever since I told him I really really want to have it, quarrels set in...*SIGH* Whenever I asked him for SGD 178 to purchase Air Climber, we would quarreled (Don't wish to go in detail to spoil my mood).  Enough is enough!! Rather than "begging" others to buy for me, I might as well purchase myself hump! *lim bu wu backbone ok! NB! SGD 178 I don't have meh?!*

Anyway since I'm working from home today I thought why not I call the hotline to purchase? The transaction took less than 5 mins and I had placed my order! The customer service lady said fastest would be this coming Saturday if not would be next Saturday. Whichever the date the deliver guy will call me a day before the delivery. Ooooo am so so super excited. Finally I'm able to exercise at home hei hei hei..

Ever since I put on 10kg (yes 10kg! scary right? *shaking head*) This is how I look when I was 10kg lighter. Now..*BIG SIGH* Better not showing ha

 I've been very depressed. I tried to do some exercise near my place but the rainy days always spoilt my plan. I also tried to cut down on dinner but my weight still 10kg heavier than before. Losing weight really requires determination. Action speak louder than words. I really must action instead of dreaming my figure back to 10kg lesser. I'm glad I finally did it! Woo woo~~Hopefully after using the machine, I will regain my figure again and become pretty woman!

~Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman~

Shall blog on how the machine works for me. Stay tune!


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