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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Heart Shape Diamond Ring

This diamond ring is very beautiful right? I chanced upon a heart shape diamond ring (Similiar design to the above picture. Note: The diamond ring above is from Cartier and is super ex ooooo~~) when I was shopping at Tampines Mall today. Guess what? It cost SGD 783! I was so tempted to buy man!

I never have a diamond ring before and always want to have it. What to do?...Diamond is girl's best friend! LOLX! Naturally I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I have a strong urge to have it but somehow I dare not take the risk.

I'm going to be jobless in 2 months time and by right I should save as much as I can instead of spending on the "want". However by left, I never really have something I love. I have been working, spending and saving non stop for family. It is all about family but what about me? I need something to motivate me to work harder and to reward myself right? *Super BIG SIGH*

All the women I knew have a proposal diamond ring. I don't have...who to blame but myself..SIGH SIGH married a man who doesn't love me so I never have someone proposed to me let along putting on a diamond ring on my finger *damn moody ahhhh!!! WTF!!*

~I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you.~

 I always fantasize one day my prince charming would come to rescue me from 'hell' and propose to me with a 1 carat diamond ring! Oh man so romantic~~~ I wonder what is the feeling of being proposed...*melting..drooling...*

*wake up LC wake up! slap slap slap* ok ok back to reality. Since dont have, I might as well rely on myself right. So am going to buy one for myself to reward ALL my hard works for the past miserable 5 years *lao mao sai (tearing)* But but but...don't know when..maybe when I won lottery muhahahaha Diamond ring here I come haa haa haa~~ ok ok I will remember to buy lottery ha~

Actually there is one ring I always wanted to have but 1 carat is super ex loh...ta la~~!! Brilliant Rose!!

~ooooooo~ am melting again..isn't brilliant rose beautiful? woooo~~I'll definitely going to have it when I have the money muhahaha~

Till then, I shall continue see the ring behind the glass...wait for me ok wait for me. I'll be back!

~This diamond ring can mean something beautiful
And this diamond ring can mean dreams that are coming true~

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