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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Monday, 3 October 2011

How do you feel when you cane your kid? Terrible!

Canning kids is a No No such thingy in Western world. Love education is what they stressed. However in Eastern world, especially Chinese, canning as a form of disclipine is very very common. Parents today especially young parents, hardly cane their kids. Most adopted "love education" or combine of Love & Canning.

I tried to use both. Till now I have yet to master a discipline method that suits my Mini Ong aka my son.

Take 1
Take 2
Take 3

Take 4 (Kiss)
Isn't he adorable? Isn't every mother is proud of her kid? I am! Because I love him more than myself, it hurts me the most when I have to cane him.

For the past one month, Mini Ong has been giving problem every morning. He refused to go to school giving me excuses like, he wants to sleep, he is tired, he does't want to go to school etc. He has been going to this new school since March 2011 and everything was fine until Sept. I was late for work practically everyday! This morning was the worst. He even refused to put on uniform, sitting on the floor crying. You can imagine next..he cried all the way to school...*BIG SIGH*

In the end, we got no choice but to cane him. Only then he reluctantly got ready for school. The whole episode took almost 30mins!

I wanted to hug him to give him comfort when he was crying but at that point of time, I was too mad to do so. I wasn't even wanted to talk to him on the way to school. This is the first time I was so mad at someone that my chest was hurting. I suppose the pain is a combination of anger and heartache.

I don't think any parents in the right state of mind would enjoy canning their kids. You can imagine how terrible I felt till now.

As I am blogging, my mind is thinking how to talk to him tonight so that this drama will not repeat tomorrow (Oh GOD tomorrow I have a conference call at 9am which mean he has to leave home even earlier with me). I am also thinking how to educating him so that he feels love by us at the same time knows the limit. I am even thinking where to bring him this coming weekends to enjoy.

Gosh it is really not easy to be parents especially working mother. Imagine my routine daily; woke up 7am (max to laze on bed), prepare to go to work, prepare milk for Mini Ong so that he drinks while I am dressing, prepare Mini Ong for school, leave home at 7.30am, send Mini Ong to school, goes to work, off work, goes to Parents' place to pick Mini Ong, shower him, do some housework, read or practice writing with Mini Ong, surf a bit of net, and sleep. Can you imagine how tight and tedious my schedule is from Monday to Friday?

Saturday would be family's day and Sunday is housework day where Mr Ong and I have to clean the whole house.

I wonder how those working mothers (without maid) survive..to me, I have reached a limit. I suppose if I don't figure out how to relax while doing all these, I will go crazy soon. Who knows the next mother who commit suicide with her son is me? *Touch Wood!*

Till then, I just hope I can keep cool and minimise canning Mini Ong.

Love you always <3


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