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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Friday, 28 October 2011

ANGRY!!! One incident after another WTF!

Incident 1

As usual, I religiously exercise using Air Climber daily for 30mins since 18 Oct. I badly need to get in shape before my Dinner and Dance which is on 18 Nov. However yesterday as I was exercising, my Air Climber deflated! No matter how I inflated the air in the climber, the moment I stepped onto the climber, it deflated again! How the Air Climber works is based on 'stepping on the air' concept. Now that the climber is deflated. How to step? The digital display isn't working as well! The digital display suppose to keep track of number of steps and calories bunt. How am I suppose to keep track now?

I called the customer service officer this morning. I was pretty pissed with the way she handled. The customer service lady told me they will send a technician to service the climber within 7 working days. When I asked whether they can expedite, the customer service lady said the company only have ONE technician hence the delay. ???? ONE technician only?? What kind of company is that? What if this one and only technician is on long leave? Who is going to handle customers' problems during his absence?? This is not the worst. What worst is that they will only replace a new one for me if the technician can't fix the problem. So I questioned her if the technician can't fix the problem, don't tell me I am going to wait for another 7 working days to get my replacement??!!

She said the replace climber will take less than 7 days. Still this is not acceptable! Luckily, she called me shortly after I hung up the phone, to inform me that they will replace a new climber for me. However it will be next Saturday instead of tomorrow. Delivery man is packed with delivery they said. Seriously I could have 'killed' them. I got to wait for another week before I could start my exercise. How to lose weight? I have to think of what other exercise I can do while waiting for the replacement. *BIG SIGH* well at least they tried their best to settle my problem. I just hope and pray that the replaced climber is not faulty sigh..

Incident 2

Mr Ong called me while I was on my way to work to tell me he had misplaced the house key. He searched everywhere (ps: my house is fucking messy now) but could not find it. He has 2 sets of house keys. He misplaced once that's why we duplicated another set. The duplicated set is suppose to leave it hanging beside the door for emergency purpose like this. However, Mr Ong has been conveniently took the key meant for emergency use and NOT putting it back to where it hung. Despite me reminding him again and again, he just refused to do so, happily left his keys anywhere without bother to remember where he placed. NOTE: Mr Ong is a VERY forgettful person. * Poor Mr Ong got Senile dementia at such a young age tsk tsk tsk* *Yes yes yes I know I am mean but I am still ANGRY* I knew if he continue to be irresponsible, history will repeat. I was fucking right! His inconsiderate and irresponsible act had landed me into serious trouble.

I had an important meeting at 9am but because he was locked in the house, I had to rush back home to open and lock the doors for him. Instead of feeling sorry and grateful that I rushed back, he scolded me the moment I reached home. He said I should not lock the doors and I should have checked whether the spare key was hanging there before I left the house. What the fuck is this??! As a Chinese saying 恶人先告状. This describe him the best! If he had listened to me in the first place by not touching the spare key and constantly leave his key where it belong, this would not had happened! 2nd time already yet he does not learn the lesson. Such an irresponsible guy to have the gut to accuse me. GOD I was and still am super mad at him. I never see such a guy in my life. Knowing that I had to rush back to office for important meeting, he didn't even offer to pay for my taxi fare! What a 'gentleman'. Ladies out there if you think he is handsome and nice by all mean have him! He should be grateful that I always clear his "shits" and no always think that he doesn't love me so can bully me at times. No point make myself  so lousy. I am so sick and tired of being taken for granted. Gosh I am still boiling with anger! 我不是好欺负的!


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