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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Air Climber is Awesome!!

Air Climber is really awesome! It finally delivered on Saturday afternoon and I only started using the Air Climber yesterday as I was down with fever. It came with VCD exercise instruction and diet Manuel to follow. I don't think I will follow the diet programme as the food is cater to Westerner. Quite tough to follow for Asian lolx however I'll definitely follow the exercise programme daily. I give myself 10 days to see the result kekeke oh man I am so so excited!

It was pretty tiring after the work up. The programme is great as it works on all parts of the body. At the end of 30 mins, I was already drenched with sweat kekeke and it felt so good after the work up. I'll definitely continue to exercise tonight and looking forward to see my achievement in 10 days time yeah!!

Of course drinking plenty of water is a MUST. Looking good is great but staying healthy is important and I want to achieve both :) :)

Shall blog again on my achievement in 10 days time.

Stay tune!


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