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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Taste bud unsatistified

Saturday was a great day for me as it was family day. Normally we (with Mr Ong aka my hubby) will plan a programme for Mini Ong. We believe that Mini Ong deserve to enjoy his weekends after a long weekdays of studying.

It was my uncle's birthday and he had checked in Siloso Beach Resort to relax. He wanted our family to have fun hence my mummy suggested she would bring Mini Ong along. We were of course happy to let her bring Mini Ong (We couldn't decide whether to go with them initially). Later in the evening, we decided to go to Siloso Beach Resort to look for them.

As it was a last min decision, it was dinner time when we reached Sentosa. Mr Ong and I went for dinner while the rest of my family member went for a walk along the island. We didn't know what to have for dinner and we also didn't want to spend too much money on food too. After looking around, we decided to have Asian food instead so we went to the restaurant specially for Asian Food. It was a wrong decision man..

*Disclaimer: My personal view does not represent everyone's view*

We ordered, 2 cokes, Ice Kachang, Chicken Briyani, Beef Rendang, 6 pieces fried chicken, and Wasabi Mayonnaise Shrimps. Very basic authentic Asian food you can find any part of Singapore. We thought having it in a restaurant at Sentosa the food would be much tastier than outside foodcourt or hawker center. We were so so wrong. Not only the serving were small, the waiting time was long and the food were super oily! Oh man...

Smile (this was taken while waiting for the food to be served) Look how happy I was (not knowing the worst is coming (-_-)). I was damn hungry loh..

Contestant number 1:- Ice Kachang!

Not bad though the Ice Kachang selling at the foodcourt near my house is better loh. There was a weird bitter taste which I couldn't tell the taste. Rating: 5 stars being the best and 1 star being the worst.
Appearance: 4
Taste: 3

Contestant 2: Wasabi Mayonnaise Shrimps

The shrimps were super small! It was coated with flour and deep fried it. Why Wasabi Mayonnaise? Because the sauce was a mixtual of mayonnaise and wasabi. It was oily but the shrimps were really fresh. It could have been good if the floor itself is not ordinary..there was not special ingredient..
Appearance: 2
Taste: 3

Contestant number 3: 6 pieces fried chicken

The 6 pieces fried chicken tasted not bad but when you see the oil stain on the plate. It kind of turn off. I know fried stuff is suppose to be oily. My rationale is, the cook should have let the oil drip off and wipe it with absorbent kitchen paper to clear excess oil before served.
Appearance: 3
Taste: 3

Contestant Number 4: Chicken Briyani

The Chicken Briyani could have been rated higher if the portion is bigger and less oily. Guys don't "kill me". I know Briyani is SUPPOSE to be oily but seriously this is way too oily! I should have taken the photo of before and after then you know what I meant. The fragrance of the rice is also not strong. As for the chicken, I was disappointed that they only serve chicken tigh. I know I know tigh is more costly than other part of the chicken but I love breast meat! I believe there are people out there who prefer breast meat too right. The restaurant should let customer have the option. When I asked the waiter whether the tigh can be changed to breast meat, he told me not possible as the Briyani was already cooked before hand. *Cook before hand? Isn't it should be cooked upon order?* ?????
Appearance: 3
Taste: 3.5

Our last but not least Contestant...

Contestant Number 5: Beef Rendang

Beef Rendang was perhaps the most disappointing dish. It was very very dried. There were no gravy on it. Just dried Beef Rendang. Those who love Redang would love it with more gravy and yellow rice. This Beef Rendang was served with white rice. The portion was also small. It was enough for ladies but not for men unless the man is a small eater. As Mr Ong dig the rice, what we saw was oil! The rice below was coated with red oil..It was so oily that I don't think anyone would want to eat that. Again, I should have taken the before and after photo. Pardon me ok as this is the first time I blog about food *paiseh*
Appearance: 3
Taste: 2

Overall we will not patronize the restaurant again. We would rather go dine at Mcdonalds which is commonly found island wide than eat there.

Well, there are my personal views. It does not mean everyone dislike it. I am not a food blogger or someone very good with food but I do love to share what I experience. It will be up to the rest to decide.

It's time to sleep. Ciao!

Good Luck

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