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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

My blog is up!!

Yeah my own blog is finally up! *happy happy* :)

Well I never thought of having a blog initially..but don't know why I had a strong urge to create one. Maybe I need a channel to vent my frustration or channel to share my feeling be it happy or sad. Yes we do need to voice out be it vocal or writing. It is so unhealthy to keep the junk in your heart. How big is our heart only right? Haa

Ok you must be wondering why the name of the blog is Little Chocolate. Well it is a nick given by my ex bf 10 years ago. I have never been "snow white" in my life..yes I am tanned. I was born with darker complexion compare to Chinese you see in the street. My ex said I'm a sweet girl (thick skin) thus name me 小巧克力 which is Little Chocolate when you literately translated from Chinese to English. Well I think it's cute keke 

Ok blog more when i'm free. Now in crowded train darn hard to blog!

Good luck

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