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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I need a break freaking bad!!!!!! Oh man I am so so tired... my friends around me are taking leave to go for short holiday. What the hell am I doing here??? I am planning to take 2 days leave in Oct so that I can go for a short 4D3N trip from 22 Oct to 25 Oct. However, nobody can go with me :( I am so f***king moody.

No no no..I must get out of here before I go crazy. I am reaching my limit le. I need a break. Break from work and family..only fun fun fun!!!

Oh God pls tell me what to do..How do I take a break in peace where everything is taken care of? Pls tell me how how how :(

Moody + Emo

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