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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?

by Joyce Meyer - posted July 28, 2012

The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him. —Lamentations 3:25
After we pray and ask God for what we want, need, or desire, we should wait expectantly. We must be full of hope, which is joyful and confident expectation of something good happening. After years of being disappointed in my childhood and early adult years, I developed what the Bible calls evil forebodings (see Proverbs 15:15). That means I was expecting bad news most of the time.
I believe many people are caught in the trap of being afraid to expect something good because they do not want to be disappointed again. God wants everyone to aggressively expect good things from Him because He is good.
Don’t be passive either. A passive person is someone who wants good things to happen and they are going to do nothing but wait to see what happens. Although the verse for today does tell us to wait, it says to wait expectantly. I like to confess Scriptures aloud while I am waiting on God to work in my behalf. They remind me of His promises, and they keep me encouraged. God’s Word is filled with creative power and, when spoken in faith, it is equal to sowing seed that will bring a harvest.
If you have prayed and find yourself waiting longer than you had planned for an answer, thank God that He is working when you are tempted to be impatient. Tell God what you are expecting and look forward to your breakthrough. Don’t fall into the trap of complaining and murmuring while you wait either. Be joyfully confident that your answer is on the way.
God’s word for you today: Don’t get discouraged. God is working and you will see the results soon.

OMG! The above mentioned is my daily devotion today. I just blogged about expecting something good yesterday and today GOD spoke to me about what am I expecting. Isn't GOD wonderful? :)

Over the years, the only concerning things in my life are marriage and career. For those who know me, my marriage has been like a roller coaster ride. Never loving never smooth. I suppose if I had heart attack I would have passed away! lolx! However GOD always told me to hang on. Doing something right when you don't feel like it, you are growing, HE said. Because I love GOD and fear HIM, I obey despite many times I really feel like running away from this marriage.

Career is another headache issue. Never smooth. Along the way as I am looking for permanent job, I do get people discouraging me and degrading me. "Who do they think they are? Leader of the world or GOD?" I thought in my heart. Nevertheless, GOD told me this, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me, says the LORD." Isaiah 54:17 Because of what GOD told me, again I press on.

When I read my daily devotion today, I am so so touched. GOD told me not to be discourage. GOD is working and I will see the results soon. I can't wait to see it. Thank you GOD for being my GOD :) Amen!



Expecting something good?

It has been weeks since I didn't sleep well. What made the matter worst, I had nightmares almost every night. Finally yesterday, I managed to sleep soundly for 4 hours and had a sweet dream :)

I dreamt that I am holding a permanent job with a big company and was at China for business trip. In the dream, I got a cab from my hotel and travelled to my China office for meeting. It was a cold and quiet morning. Colleagues from China were friendly and we had great time together. Through one of the business contacts, I managed to secure a high flyer job for Mr Ong. Oh GOD what a sweet dream...It seemed so real too!

Back in reality, I am back to the jobless, miserable, and lifeless LC. Just before the day ended, I received a call from one of the big companies for the position of Recruitment Manager. GOD! I was so so excited! What shocked me was this company, though a local company, has been venture globally and they recently just ventured into China market! Was it coincident? Or was this a vision from GOD? I shall find out soon when I go for interview on Monday. 

Oh Father Lord, I pray for a smooth interview on Monday and favor from the interviewer. If this is YOUR plan for me, may the job scopes, salary and career prospect be attractive to me. If this is not for me, please close the door. Thank you so much for hearing my prayer and thank you for being my Father, my Jesus. In Jesus's name I pray, AMEN!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012



Monday, 23 July 2012

6 months spent with GOD is even more than 10 years as 'Christian"

Recent revelation; I realized that my 6 months spending with God is even more than my 10 years as a Christian. 

I began to believe in Christ in 1999 after constant unpleasant spiritual encounter since the age of 11. I used to be Buddhism and later shifted to Hinduism by the influence of my uncle. All these belief did not cause the spiritual encounter to stop. I was very fearful not knowing when 'it' will attack me again. 'It' came on one night..something invincible was strangling me! 'It' stopped when I cried to Jesus to save me. I shouted "Jesus save me!" 3 times. 'It' stopped by the third calling and since then, 'It' never came back. Thank God! My aunt, who is a fervent Christian and had same experience as me thought me to call GOD for help. Out of desperate, I called on Jesus to help me.

Since then, I began to get to know who is Jesus and who is GOD. I was baptize in 2004. Even then, I admit I wasn't very faithful. Yes I went to church every Sunday but most of the time my mind was drifting away from GOD especially if the preacher is a boring speaker. I did not feel GOD's presence strongly too. I can't even speak in tongue despite praying for it.  Yes till now I still can't. Well I no longer feel sad about it for GOD said we are all gifted differently :)

When my friends told me they were slain in the spirit, I often wonder what was the feeling like...how was it feel to receive healing. And when my friends shared how GOD bless them, I wondered how did it feel to be blessed by GOD. I could see the joy and glow in them when they shared. GOD I wish I could share too.

I have been jobless for 6 months. Since then I began to spend more time with GOD every morning and even any time during the day. This is where miracle set in..I began to hear HIM more! GOD talks to me through daily devotion and as well as through my friends. I can't explain how the miracle works but you just know it is from GOD and not imagining. I have been praying for permanent career for both myself and my hubby. GOD's reply to me is "Wait patiently with joy". To be honest it is hard to wait patiently with joy especially my bank is drying...I really don't know how it is going to last any longer. Monthly expenses are not little too. My hubby is so stressed up that he couldn't sleep at night. He would sleep for less than 4 hrs and woke up feeling compressed. Thus he game with his friends to avoid thinking of the problem. I know he seek GOD too. I hope and pray that he will hear GOD.

Since GOD told me HE will provide and to cast all my worries to HIM, I shall try to wait upon  HIM joyfully. I spend my time doing housework, coaching my boy's study, watching youtube on makeup, blogging, listening to hill songs, listen to online sermon, and praying. I know HE will expand my bank account. I know HE will definitely bless both my hubby and myself with a career soon. Learn to wait joyfully is my task now.

Joyful LC

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Simple Natural Makeup Look

This is my simple makeup look whenever I'm out meeting friends :)
Personally I feel that putting a little bit of makeup while out with friends or family is a form of respect to them. I wouldn't want my loved ones to see my 'dead' look lolx! After all 'Ghost month' is still a month away! Haaaaa Gosh why am I degrading myself lolx!

Ok to achieve this look, what you need are:
1. Concealer
2. Powder foundation
3. Cream Blush
4. Eyebrow pencil
5. Eyeliner pencil (Black)
6. Eyeliner pencil (White)

Step 1
Always start of with a clean face and moisturise your face with moisturiser.
Gosh I feel so 'naked' without makeup! lolx! 

Step 2
Conceal your imperfection with concealer. For me are my dark eye circles and pimple scars :(

Hahaha!! I look so funny!
~Blend blend blend~ 
I use my ring finger to do the blending as our eyes areas are delicate. Ring finger is the weakest among our fingers hence won't exert too much strength on the delicate areas. You wouldn't want to develop winkles would you? keke

Step 3
Set your face with powder foundation. 
I skipped liquid foundation or BB cream. Apply liquid foundation or BB cream if your face is full of blemishes, or you are going to be out for the whole day, to have full coverage and for longer lasting. Apply the powder next.
Personally Tips: I love using BB powder foundation from Silky Girl as it gives a very good finishing. If you do not have super dark eye circle, the powder can actually covers it well :) Alternatively, you may also use BB cream instead of powder foundation to have longer lasting.

Step 4
Nobody eyebrow is perfect. Mine too. Hence fill in your brows with eyebrow pencil.
It is important to fill your brows as it frame your face. Fills with gentle stroke. The last thing you want is to look like 蜡笔小新 haaa
Are you talking about me? ooo~~



Can you spot the difference? The 2nd picture shows a more well definded eyebrows. 

Step 5
Apply black pencil eyeliner. I prefer pencil than liquid and gel liner while hanging out with friends as it is more natural looking.
Eyeliner makes your eyes look bigger!

Can you see the difference?

Step 6
Apply white eyeliner on your waterline to make your eyes pop. It gives an illusion of bigger eyes!

 Step 7
Apply cream blush on your cheeks for that healthy radiant glow!
Personal Tips: Cream blush creates an illusion of natural blushing cheeks compare to powder blush.

Step 8
Finally, apply lip balm or lipstick. I'm using my DIY lip balm (See my previous post for DIY lip balm).

Oooo I love the pink on my lips <3

Here is the final look. :)

And here is me and with my best friends :)

Good Luck

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

DIY Lip Balm (use broken lipstick)

How many ladies actually threw away their lipsticks when broken? I suppose 90% of us did. I admit I used to be one of the 90%. I used to throw away too though it was such a waste (hey good lipsticks are not cheap!). Ever since I discovered the magic of revive the lipstick, it is never wasted :)
It is very simple to do. Can be messy though kekeke...Here are the steps:-

Step 1
You will need
1. Broken lipstick
2. Vaseline aka Petroleum Jelly
3. Small empty container (I used old contact lens holder. You can make 2 lip balms with different colors!)
4. Stirrer (can also use toothpick)
5. Table spoon
6. Fire

Step 2:
Dig out the Vaseline with a stirrer or toothpick and put it into the container.
PS: Vaseline is optional. Personally I added Vaseline because Vaseline is very hydrating. This is very good for dry lips like mine. 

Step 3
Dig out all the broken lipstick with a stirrer or toothpick and place it on the spoon.

Step 4
Burn it with fire till it melt.
PS: Caution not to burn yourself!

Step 5
Pour the melted lipstick into the container that contained Vaseline.

Step 6
Here comes the fun part; STIR! Mix it well with the Vaseline.

Step 7
Final step! Place it in the freezer for about 20 mins. Yes freezer. The purpose of putting in the freezer is to solidify the lip balm.

Here is the final product. Isn't it beautiful? Lolx

No more wastage in future :) Have fun trying!


Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Plan Plan GOD's PLAN

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." - Luke 12:32. My time has come! It's time to receive GOD's Kingdom Amen! "Father, the hour has come." - John 17:1

These are my 2 verses yesterday. I believe my time has come. It is time to receive GOD's Kingdom. It is time to go according to HIS plan. Lately, I have not been able to sleep. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep. My mind was thinking a lot of stuff. There are so many things I would like to complete and accomplish but due to jobless, it has to put on hold. GOD is great indeed. Everything happened for a reason. Even though the situation may seem dark, it happened for a good reason. HE knows what I want and my thoughts. Everything HE does for me is for my own good.

During this period I have learnt to be patience. I realized that there are many things I would love to finish up but can't rush. If I rush to complete it, it may backfire. It has to go according to GOD's plan in order not to be screwed up. Sometime 'Waiting' is the best weapon of defense especially in dark times.

Yesterday I received a call from Recruitment Agent. She is going to profile me over to her client as Recruitment Manager! Finally someone see the value in me! I was excited and over cloud nine :) Even though nothing is finalized yet. Interview with the potential employer has not been confirmed, I am already very thankful. I thank GOD for seeing the value in me. I thank GOD for the opportunity to be connected with the agent. I thank GOD for everything that happened in my life. I do pray that the potential employer will see the value in me and willing to give me the chance to prove my worth. In my career life, what I am lack of is 'opportunity'. However, I am not angry for not given the opportunity. I gained so so much over the years and my exposure widen. I believe this is to prepared me for the 'opportunity' when the right time comes.

Now, the time has come. I strongly believe so. I don't know why am I so optimistic about it when NOTHING has been finalized but my heart was stirred with unknown excitement that I just know the time has come. All I need to do right now is to continuously give thanks to GOD, trust and have faith in HIM, and prepare myself for the 'opportunity'. Gosh I am so so excited :) :) :)

I know thing is going to change soon. To change for the good. Breakthrough! I believe GOD is using this 6 months of my jobless period to equip me to prepare for the breakthrough. To achieve Breakthrough is a painful process but the outcome is worth it. Moving forward life is definitely not a bed of roses but with GOD nothing is impossible. I strongly strongly believe that if this 'opportunity' is GOD's plan for me, nothing can be against me. Amen!!

Thank you GOD