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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

It's been long time...

It had been long time since I wrote my blog. Ever since I joined this new company (Sept 2012), I really do not have "life". I had never been into a organization where there were no system. No HR system like SAP, Brassring Kennax etc everything here is using excel to update *OMG* CO2 x 1000 loh

In addition to that, my team really love to chu pattern to give me problem. They really pattern more than badminton sigh sigh..everyday before going to work, I would pray to GOD to give me wisdom, strength, and capability to handle work and people challenges. So far, I survived for 4 months! It seemed like years to me lolx Hair is getting whiter too. My colleague told me that everyone working for that particular business unit, hairs are all white. Come to think of it, it is true! lolx What comfort me was I have nice colleagues from the business units I support. At least life wasn't that bad kekeke

New year new hope and new image. I changed a new hair style. Though many commented that I look better in my previous hair style than new hair style, but to me, I felt fresher and younger lolx

Here is my old hair style:

And here is my current hair style:


I suppose which one is better really depends on individual's preference ba...most importantly is I myself like it haaa

And this is me at work. I had a lousy day that day. So I decided to take a pic of my serious and angry look.

I don't know how am I going to handle my problems but I believe and trust GOD to help me. Without HIM, I probably tender. I am also thankful to 2 of my team mates who have been supporting me selflessly. This is what I call a TEAM.

Moving forward, I will try my best to build my team up with the guidance of GOD and will be a good manager to them. I pray that this team will shine and glow :)


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