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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Monday, 27 February 2012

I'm Back!!

It's has been quite some time since I last blogged. I wasn't in a mood to blog as there were negative things happened to me.

1st Bomb - Jobless

I didn't renew my contract because the term and condition offered to me wasn't appealing. After much consideration, I decided to take the risk of not renewing. It would also mean no income for me. Have to rely on husband for the time being till I found a career. I never like to rely on anyone for money especially I have earning power. However at this point, it is not up to me anymore. I suppose God wanted me to learn to rely and submit to my husband. Afterall, it is good to be protected. I would also think that God wanted me to learn how to manage my family too. When I was busy working, I hardly had time for family. My life was just work, housework and sleep. I didn't even want to talk to husband and play with son. I just wanted to have some private time by MYSELF. I really neglected them.

2nd Bomb - ADHD

Just as I was busy and actively looking for job, the next thing that happened that caused me to think twice about going back to work is my son. He is most likely to dignose with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for a child's age and development. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002518/) Because of that, my son has to go for intervention to help him with his motor skills development. The intervention will take place for at least a year for once a week or two. Without intervention, Mini Ong will face difficulity when he goes to primary 1. At the age of 5, he is already facing problem with writing, and Art and Craft. No doubt Mini Ong is a intelligent boy, but without good motor skill, his overall development will be affected. Co2 x 1000...

The intervention is only on weekdays. This also means that if I go back to work, who is going to bring Mini Ong for intervention? Both hubby and I can't take leave every week. Even if we could, we also don't have much leave per year to use. *Big Sigh* I am still praying for direction and solution. I need to be financially strong to send Mini Ong for intervention and at the same time has the time to bring him for intervention weekly. How am I suppose to do that? I really don't know...I leave it to God.

3rd Bomb - Mini Ong's mood swing

Mini Ong has been having mood swing lately. One min he is happily playing and the next he would be crying telling me he doesn't want to go to school. He would give me excuse such as "I am sick. Got stomachache so no need to go to school". The real reason for not wanting to go to school is because he has been facing tremendous stress in school. He was scolded by his teacher for unable to write chinese words and unable to complete the writing on time. For a 5 year old kid to come out with excuses and fake illness just to avoid school is very smart and sad at the same time. Smart in the sense that he knows he doesn't have to go to school if he is sick and thus fake it. He is thinking...But Sad is he started to lie at such a small age. It shows that Mini Ong is trying to protect himself!

ADHD kids have problem with motor skill hence affects writing as well. As a caregiver, the teacher is aware of Mini Ong's condition. However instead of shower him with more encouragement and care, she scolded him. I was very disappointed with the way the school handles my son. The school fee is not cheap as well! As I am not working, the childcare subsidy for non working mother is only SGD 150. That's means we got to pay SGD 600 per month after SGD 150 subsidy. SGD 600 for childcare fee is not cheap! To pay such a high price I expect good service too. It is such a disappointment that we do not get good service for such high fee.

I had spoken to the teacher and shall monitor again. If Mini Ong continues to feel stressed up going to school, I shall not hesitate to complain to MCYS.

Moving forward, I do not know what to do next except for doing my best for my family and live positively. God is my source of strength.I will walk according to God's plan for me.


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