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A girl who loves coffee and everything that is beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


这是一分早餐 / 午餐我为Mr Ong 准备的。不知道为什么今天特别想做吃的。可能是我自己想要吃鸡蛋吧。好想吃鸡蛋哦!~~~ ooooo

Mr Ong commented that I had not been cooking for him for a long long time. Suddenly I sank into a daze...I remembered during my school days, I often thought If I ever got married, I want to be a good mother and wife. A pretty and capable housewife. I imagined myself waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for husband and kid, and then send them off to work / school with my passionate kiss and hug. While both husband and kid are not at home, I would do my housework with a cheerful heart. After which prepare dinner for my family. When both of them return home, I would once again greet them with my loving hug and kiss...of course not smell of cooking oil but the fragrance of the perfume :)...

However reality is cruel. It is NOT the same that I had visualized. My real life is slogged like hell at work daily, and upon reaching home, slogged like hell again to do housework. Mr Ong would be as usual, be his "dua bai gong" sitting at his "altar" gaming. Thank GOD my Mini Ong is a sensible boy. He would shower himself, dressed himself, practically does everything by himself.

There were countless of quarrels and hurts throughout this marriage. Someone ever told me that Mr Ong will change after we move into new house. Because his mother will not be able to "kio sai" for him, and that he will have to force himself to do. However, not very true. Bad habit carried forward. Anyway after much crying, begging, shouting, letter writing,....he finally changed....A BIT only. He started to help a bit. At least it was a good start.

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